International Self-Care Day

🗓️ On This Day - July 24th

July 24th is one of the coolest days of the year! Well, in terms of temperature, maybe not, but there are still a lot of cool facts about this extraordinary date! Here are some of the best reasons to mark July 24th in your calendar from here on out.

On this day

Mary Queen of Scots

Mary Queen of Scots was forced to move.

In 1567, Mary Queen of Scots was forced to abdicate the throne. Her one-year-old son became King James VI of Scots – but she was even younger when she originally became queen, at barely six days old!

Bonneville salt flat, Salt Lake City

Mormon pioneers reached their destination.

In 1847, Brigham Young and the first group of Mormon pioneers arrived in Salt Lake Valley, Utah. This was after completing their exodus from Illinois.

Mata Hari

Mata Hari went on trial.

Mata Hari, the infamous spy accused of working for Germany during World War I, was taken to trial for espionage on this day in 1917. Hari would eventually be found guilty and executed through firing squad.

Majdanek concentration camp

Soviet soldiers liberated Polish PoWs.

On this day in 1944, Soviet soldiers continued to fight back against Nazi Germany by freeing prisoners of the Majdanek concentration camp, based just outside Lublin city in Poland. It was one of several heroic Allied feats that helped to release the Nazi stranglehold across Europe.

facts about global warming

Global warming reached a worrying new record.

On July 24th, 2019, it emerged that the Earth was now heating up faster than it had been for at least two millennia. Studies published on this day further suggested that humanity was to blame for 99% of the warming – leading to renewed pressure to fight back against climate change.

Special Days Falling on July 24th

Although we tend to focus more on the fourth of July this month, the 24th has just as much to celebrate! Here are some of the best ways to mark today.
fun facts about exercise

International Self-Care Day

We all need to take better care of ourselves in multiple ways! For many of us, that means taking the time to make good food, exercise safely, practice skin care, and taking on some general relaxation! So, today, take the time to focus on yourself and forget everyone else for a while! Your self-care should always be a priority!


Samaritans Awareness Day

While Samaritans Awareness Day is technically a British holiday, it carries an important cause and message that millions worldwide could benefit from. It’s a day set up by the Samaritans Foundation, who volunteers to help people struggling with mental health and thoughts of suicide. It’s a day to remember all the wonderful work Samaritans do, and to perhaps lend an ear to someone close to you who may be struggling.

SimĂłn Bolivar

SimĂłn Bolivar Day

July 24th happens to be Venezuelan national hero Simón Bolivar’s birthday – and therefore, people up and down the country mark the occasion by celebrating his contributions to liberating Venezuela from the Spanish. Many people know him as “El Libertador,” or in English, “The Liberator!” Bolivar helped several territories to break free from colonial rule, even though his time in charge of government was relatively short.

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit

This month in history

In 2017, Volvo made a big announcement! The car company was the first ever to announce that, by 2019, their automobiles will all be hybrid or battery-powered! Several years later, they’re still leading the way for EV the world over.

Famous Birthdays on July 24th

Karl von Mechow, German Writer, born 1897

Caterina Jarboro, African-American opera singer, born 1898

Leo Arnaud, French-American composer, born 1904

Pat Oliphan, Australian cartoonist, born 1935

Jennifer Lopez, American singer and actress, born 1969

Fun Facts about the Leo Star Sign

If you were born on July 24th…

…you’re a Leo! Leos are naturally very ambitious, confident, and love the spotlight! They are also fighters and are very strong friends and partners to have.

However, as with all star signs, Leos have weaknesses. They tend to drift toward being fairly dramatic, and can show naivety – some people take advantage of Leos because they’re all about give, give, give.

Fancy finding out more about what makes you tick? Check out our Leo fact file.

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