Fun facts about Mount Kilimanjaro

13 Remarkable Facts About Mount Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro is one of the world’s most fascinating peaks! A UNESCO heritage site, this African volcano is a massive tourist attraction. In fact, many people try to climb it for its amazing views! Read on for some fun facts about Kilimanjaro that might just inspire a visit of your own.

1. Introducing…

Mount Kilimanjaro is located in Tanzania, Africa. It is a snow-capped volcanic mountain composed of rock and ash and lava, so-referred to as a “stratovolcano.”

2. It’s a free-standing volcano.

Kilimanjaro is known as a free-standing volcano because it is not attached to a mountain range. It has three separate cones named Shira, Mawenzi, and Kibo. The tallest of the cones is Kibo at the summit of Kilimanjaro.

3. Will Kilimanjaro ever erupt?

Indications show currently Kilimanjaro is inactive and therefore regarded as officially “dormant.” It is monitored constantly! Some evidence indicates that the last activity was at Kibo, one of the three summits, approximately 10,000 years ago. Hopefully, it’s not overdue to blow a gasket!

Facts about Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

4. Age is just a number… thankfully!

Kilimanjaro is believed to be approximately four million years old. Better treat it with respect, then!

5. What’s the deal with Kibo’s box?

A curious wooden box at the top of Kibo contains a book. This is for climbers arriving at the summit to write about how they feel on achieving their goal and to read the thoughts of predecessors!

6. Climbing Kilimanjaro isn’t just a young person’s game!

Several octogenarians have reached the summit of Kilimanjaro. Both Valtee Daniel and Fred Distelhorst were in their late 80s when they climbed to the top of the volcano! However, Anne Lorimor, aged 89 at the time of climbing, claimed the record for the oldest person to scale the heights of Kilimanjaro in 2019. She’s from Paradise Valley, Arizona!

7. Not even a wheelchair stopped Mr Goosen!

Bernard “Bern” Goosen is a record-holder all on his own. He was the first person ever to climb Kilimanjaro in a wheelchair! Despite being a quadriplegic, Goosen has scaled the peak twice!

8. Kilimanjaro’s ecosystems are incredible.

Due to its height above sea level, several regions of ecosystem exist across the cones of Kilimanjaro. They include the Arctic summit, an Alpine desert, rainforests, moorland, cultivated zones and heathland These support a plethora of flora and fauna – as you might expect!

9. People live in Kilimanjaro, too!

A census in 2012 confirmed 1,640,087 people lived in the area – guess you get used to the altitude!

interesting facts about Kilimanjaro

10. How’s the weather up there, buddy?

A Kilimanjaro weather station was installed by the University of Massachusetts in February 2000. Its main purpose is to monitor glaciers at the summit.

11. Snow is depleting – and fast.

Scientists have raised concerns that within 20 years, Kilimanjaro’s summit may be devoid of snow. Since 1912, records illustrate that 80% of the snow has vanished.

12. Many people try to tackle the peak.

Annually, approximately 25,000 people attempt to reach the summit – and over one-third fail due to altitude-related issues. It takes a strong set of lungs to reach these peaks.

Kilimanjaro Facts
The final ascent to the top of Kilimanjaro.

13. Dehydration can seriously set you back on a Kilimanjaro climb.

It has been proven, despite warnings, many people fail to have a successful climb due to dehydration. At such altitude during exercise, the human body needs 4.5 to 5 litres of water per day. Additionally, climbers are advised to add electrolytes to their drinking water.

FAQs about Kilimanjaro

How big is the Kilimanjaro National Park?

The Kilimanjaro National Park covers an area of 652 square miles, or 1,688 square kilometres). It was established as a Nature Reserve in 1921 and a National Park in 1973 in order to protect the forest environment and inhabitants.

How high above sea level is Mount Kilimanjaro?

It reaches a height of 5,895 feet above sea level from a 4,900-foot plateau. That’s a lot of volcano to start climbing!

Can a beginner climb Mount Kilimanjaro?

Yes! However, due to risk of altitude sickness and dehydration, you’ll need to do quite a bit of preparation beforehand. Try and train before you go and you might just make the peak!

Further reading

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This page was last modified on June 18, 2024. Suggest an edit

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