
4 Aug

12 Curious Facts About Chickenpox

Many of us experienced chickenpox as children – a pretty itchy and uncomfortable experience! Sadly, this skin disease is pretty common among younger people – and it is indeed better to have endured it as a child than later on in life. Here are some important facts about chickenpox to help guide you through what …
traumatic brain injury
23 Feb

Some Scary Facts about Traumatic Brain Injuries

Among the most devastating of injuries, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can have profound and lasting effects on the victim and their loved ones. In a world where understanding and quick response are the keys to recovery, it’s crucial to shed light on some startling statistics and undiscussed aspects of TBIs. We dive into the grim …
8 Jan

10 Clear Sighted Facts About Eyes

We all take them for granted – but do you know just how impressive your eyes are? We mean that scientifically, of course! The human eye is an incredibly complex organ that’s super-sensitive and full of secrets. We’re going to uncover plenty of them today, so sit tight and take a look at our fun …
venus header
17 Oct

11 Valuable Facts About Venus

Venus is one of Earth’s neighbours in our relatively small solar system – but that doesn’t mean it’s close by! This hot planet isn’t likely to welcome human visitors just yet, but we can at least learn more about it from afar. If you’re a big fan of astronomy and want to know more about …
facts about mental health
27 Jun

9 Mysterious Facts about Mental Health

We all need to take care of our mental health. Yet, it remains a somewhat taboo subject that many of us still don’t feel uncomfortable discussing! That is why it is so important to remember that mental health affects us all daily. With that in mind – pun completely intended – here are some important …
facts about Diabetes Type 1
23 Jun

10 Debilitating Facts about Diabetes Type 1

Diabetes affects many of us around the world – and type 1, in particular, affects people of all ages. This condition may be difficult to live with, however, many people have learned how to adapt their diets and lifestyles around their daily checks and measures. If you’re unsure what this condition entails, here are some …
facts about parkinson's disease
22 Jun

10 Little Known Facts about Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease affects millions of people all over the world – young and old alike. This neurological condition adversely affects how many of us act and function in even the most simple of ways. While the world is waking up a little more to the condition thanks to awareness campaigns on behalf of high-profile sufferers …
facts about Celiac Disease
21 Jun

10 Telling Facts on Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is a common condition that affects people all around the world – awareness of the disease has led to an increase in gluten-free foods and menu options far and wide. As a condition that affects millions across the continents, it’s surprising that it remains such a mystery to so many. With that in …
facts about the brain
30 Mar

18 Fun Facts about The Brain That Will Blow Your Mind

Are you a hardworking student looking to learn some fascinating facts about the brain? Or a curious reader? Look no further! The human brain is one of the most complex and mysterious organs in the body, capable of amazing feats that give rise to art, sports, personality, and morals. Despite all of its complexities, there …
facts about leprosy
9 Feb

13 Life Changing Facts About Leprosy

Leprosy, or Hansen’s Disease, is a debilitating disease that can cause disfigurement and respiratory disorders. As a disease, it is treatable, but some symptoms cause permanent disfigurement. Many people live with the condition – and it’s important to learn more about how it affects people. Here are some interesting facts about leprosy you may wish …
how to donate your body to science
16 Nov

How to Donate Your Body to Science

Donating your body to medical science may seem scary, but thousands of people do it! In fact, donating your body to science after you die is doing other people a fantastic service – you’re helping to continue medical research for decades to come. Here are some interesting points to keep in mind should you wish …
facts about menopause
15 Nov

11 Interesting Facts about Menopause

For women all over the world, menopause can bring about big changes to how their bodies transition – from fertility into infertility later in life. It can be a difficult transition for many women – and it can affect different women in varying ways, too. It’s important to know what’s fact and what’s fiction when …
mother daughter healthy living
24 Oct

8 Well-Known Facts about the Immune System

Our body’s defense system that attacks germs and keeps us fit is called the immune system. Many organs and cells of the immune system work together to attack the foreign invaders that try to enter our body. Learn more interesting facts about your immune system and how to stay healthy, below. 1. It remembers microbes …
glucose meters
19 Sep

9 Determining Facts about Diabetes

Diabetes affects a great number of us, and, sadly, many of us have to live with it without even knowing that we have it! It is a blood-related condition you can comfortably live with, but in order to live a full life, it needs to be managed carefully. With that in mind, let’s take a …
facts about lungs
5 Sep

11 Life-Enabling Facts about the Lungs

Breathing is obviously an essential part of staying alive and is one of the most important functions your body does. Although breathing sounds simple, how our lungs and our entire respiratory system work to accomplish this feat is in fact complex. Here are some fun facts about lungs that might surprise you! 1. Do you …