Modern Art

🗓️ On This Day - February 20th

It’s hard to believe that we’re nearing the end of the month already! That’s February for you - it’s short but eventful! February 20th is one of those days that has plenty of historic intrigue, and a large number of celebrity birthdays that might just surprise you. Keep reading, and we’ll clue you in on everything you need to know about fabulous February 20th.

On this day

Orkney Islands - On This day, February 20th

Not a bad gift by any means!

Scotland’s variety of islands really are sights to behold if you ever get to visit - but did you know that Shetland and Orkney weren’t originally owned by the nation? They received these two islands in particular from Norway as a dowry gift on February 20th 1472. We’ve all had worse gifts!

US Postal Service - On this day in history - Feb 20th

Any mail today?

February 20th 1792 was the first day on the job for American posties everywhere, as it’s the day the US Postal Service first came into being. It’s been delivering all kinds of mail - including a few nasty bills here and there - to citizens across the nation for centuries.

Modern Art

Open for creative business!

If you’re a fan of classic and/or modern art, there’s a very likely chance you’ve heard of the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art, based in New York City. Perhaps you’ve been - but regardless, today in 1872, the gallery swung open its doors to the public for the very first time. Today, it’s still regarded as one of the most fascinating collections we’ve ever built up.

John Glenn

Glenn sailed around the Earth - from space!

John Glenn, one of the US’ most iconic astronaut heroes - took to orbit the Earth on this day back in 1962. He was the very first American to orbit our planet, in fact doing so three times - three times, as they say, is always the charm! Glenn would remain fascinated with space and would even head back into the outer reaches in 1998.

MiR Space Station launched on this day in history, February 20th

Mir set sail!

In another space-related fact, the Soviet Union spent much of February 20th 1986 launching the core base of Mir, its iconic space station. It’s amazing to think there are stationary vehicles still up there in space, ticking away!

Special Days Falling on February 20th

Wondering if there are any national days on February 20th? Wonder no more! Here are just a few that may surprise you.
National Love Your Pets Day

National Love Your Pet Day

One thing’s for certain - if you own a pet, you should love them! Loving them means more than just offering them a treat or two. It’s about caring for their needs - they bring all kinds of joy to our lives, and today’s a fantastic day to help them feel super special. Every day should be a love your pet day!

National Muffin Day

National Muffin Day

First celebrated in 2015, February 20th is an ideal day to break out some baked goods. English, blueberry or double chocolate chip, if you’ve got a local bakery, take some time out today to snag a treat of your choice. You deserve it - just enjoy them in moderation!

National Handcuffs Day

National Handcuff Day

A bit of an odd holiday, sure - but February 20th marks the birthday of these handy restriction devices being made a reality. People celebrate National Handcuff Day with a quiz - there’s a chance for you to win anniversary handcuffs if you play against the official founders!

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit

This month in history

Britain had a change of, well, change! That is, in February 1971, the UK rid themselves of outdated coins and notes, and moved towards a decimal currency system. This means that coins such as the traditional pennies and half-crowns all became obsolete. This was an enormous undertaking both for banks and people alike - as well as for the Royal Mint! Thankfully, we’ve all had a good 50+ years to adjust…

Famous Birthdays on February 20th

Sidney Poitier, American actor and director, born 1927

Charles Barkley, American basketball legend, born 1963

Cindy Crawford, American supermodel icon, born 1966

Kurt Cobain, American musician, born 1967

Rihanna, Barbadian musician, born 1988

fun facts about Pisces

If you were born on February 20th…

You’re a Pisces! Pisceans are said to be highly emotional and compassionate people. They tend to care a lot – if this sounds like you, take a look over at our fact file on the Pisces star sign!

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