10 Thought Provoking Facts About Prince William

William, Prince of Wales, is first in line to the British Royal Throne – behind his father, the reigning King Charles III. He’s previously held the title of Duke of Cambridge and has served in the Royal Air Force. But how much more do you know about the future king? Here’s some fun facts about Prince William to help clue you in.

1. William once worked as an air ambulance pilot

After specializing in the RAF, Prince William went on to work for the emergency services, operating air ambulances. He did so, he says, as he wanted to make a difference in other people’s lives.

2. He was very nearly Prince Oliver

William’s parents, Charles (then Prince of Wales) and the late Diana, Princess of Wales, disagreed on what to name their first son. If Diana had succeeded, he would have been called Oliver – whereas Charles preferred to call him Albert! However, they agreed to disagree and went with William, a middle option.

3. His wedding uniform hid a secret

During his wedding to Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales, Prince William had secret sweat pads sewn under his Irish Guards uniform. He expressed concern that under all the glare of lights and cameras, he’d get too warm during the ceremony!

prince William and Kate Middleton wedding day

4. He watches Thrones on TV, too.

William is said to have been a huge fan of HBO’s Game of Thrones during its run, with both Prince and Princess of Wales also reportedly enjoying Downton Abbey.

5. A fair fortune!

Prince William is said to be worth a cool few million if reports are to be believed. At last count, it’s said that the Prince of Wales’ net worth is around $40 million alone.

6. Marked by a club!

Prince William has a permanent scar on his forehead that he’s referred to it as his “Harry Potter scar.” He got the mark after getting hit accidentally by a golf club at a young age. The accident resulted in a depressed fracture, though it didn’t lead to the Prince losing consciousness. He’s claimed previously that it sometimes glows!

7. He’s a big mental health campaigner

With his brother Harry, William has helmed causes in the name of promoting better mental health for all. In particular, the brothers fronted the campaign “Heads Together” in 2016. He’s also regularly engaging in charity work via the Royal Foundation.

8. All cozy at home?

The release of Prince Harry (the Duke of Sussex)’s autobiography, Spare, in 2023, brought a few bold claims to light regarding what appears to be a fractured relationship between himself and William. In his book, Harry claims that William allegedly ‘knocked (him) to the floor’ during a 2019 confrontation. This is yet to be corroborated.

9. He’s a big fan of the waves.

Prince William reportedly enjoys taking to the water when he gets time to step away from royal duties. He’s a frequent surfer and has previously described living close to the beach as a ‘perfect’ setup.

Prince Wiliam facts

10. He’s a man of many names.

William has apparently carried the nickname “Wombat” for most of his life, with his mother having coined it for him while touring Australia. However, he apparently has a very different type of nickname bestowed upon him by his wife… “Big Willy” – if reports are to be believed!

FAQs about Prince William

Does Prince William earn money through a salary?

Prince William typically makes money through the Duchy of Cornwall, which makes more than $20 million a year. Previously, he’d earned upwards of $73,000 a year while working with the Royal Air Force.

What is Prince William’s official military rank?

Prince William holds the official military rank of Flight Lieutenant, which he earned while working in the RAF. He received his wings, officially, having passed flight school in 2008. His father, King Charles III, was on hand to present the accolade to him!

Does William have the highest military rank in the Royal Family?

King Charles III holds the highest military rank out of all the British royals, with the highest possible ranks available in all three military services. The honours were bestowed upon him by his mother, the late Queen Elizabeth II.

Further reading

Do you know any fun facts about William, the Prince of Wales? Share them in the comments below!

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