Emmanuel Macron

10 Statesmanlike Facts About Emmanuel Macron

The name Emmanuel Macron should ring a bell for most Europeans, but just in case it doesn’t, he is the current President of France at the time of writing. Currently serving his second term as president, he not only leads France, but is a voice at the forefront of European decision-making. So, it is only right that we all take the time to learn a little more about him! Here are some fun facts about Emmanuel Macron.

1. He was born in Amiens.

Emmanuel Macron, or by his full name, Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron, was born in Amiens, France. He was born on December 21, 1977.

2. He did not originally study politics.

Emmanuel Macron originally studied philosophy at the University of Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense. Later, he attended the École nationale d’administration (ENA), a prestigious French administrative school.

3. He was a banker by trade before taking office.

Before becoming a politician, Macron worked as an investment banker. Specifically, he worked at Rothschild & Cie Banque.

Emmanuel Macron

4. He served under President Hollande.

Macron also served as Deputy Secretary-General of the Élysée under President François Hollande from 2012 to 2014. He then became the Minister of the Economy, Industry, and Digital Affairs from 2014 to 2016. Therefore, he had plenty of political experience before taking up the top job!

5. He founded La République En Marche!

In 2016, Macron founded the political movement “En Marche!” (On the Move!). The movement later became a political party known as “La République En Marche!” (LREM). Again, this was a key example of his political acumen before the Presidency, despite coming from a finance background.

6. He was the youngest elected president of France.

Emmanuel Macron ran as an independent centrist candidate in the 2017 French presidential election and won. In doing so, he became the youngest President in French history at the age of 39. It was a controversial race that saw presumed-favourite François Fillon bow out against Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right French National Assembly.

7. He believes in the EU.

Macron is well-known for his pro-European Union stance. He has even advocated for stronger EU integration, particularly in economic and defense matters. It’s likely a strong reason why talk of “Frexit” hasn’t traveled much beyond suggestions when the UK left the Union.

8. He has made multiple reforms across France.

Since becoming president, Emmanuel Macron has pursued economic reforms aimed at liberalizing the French labour market and boosting economic competitiveness. However, his Presidency has faced serious challenges, including protests and strikes against certain proposed reforms, such as changes to the pension system that affected millions of people.

9. He has become a prominent voice in global diplomacy.

Macron positions himself for progressive policies and for upholding democracy and diplomacy around the world. He has publicly addressed issues on the international stage, such as the Iran nuclear deal, the conflict in Syria, and climate change.

In fact, he has continued to promote environmental policies, including support for renewable energy. He has also authorized military interventions, including airstrikes in Syria in response to prior chemical weapon attacks.

10. He married Brigitte Macron.

Emmanuel Macron’s marriage to Brigitte Macron, who is 24 years older than him, has drawn attention and has been subject to media scrutiny. It has been criticized notably for the fact that they met when he was 15, and she was his teacher in high school. However, the two have maintained a strong, united front despite the criticism and concern regarding their relationship.

Emmanuel Macron's supporters

FAQs about Emmanuel Macron

What did Emmanuel Macron’s parents do?

Emmanuel Macron’s father was a professor in Neurology, and his mother was a doctor. Interestingly, he didn’t follow in his parents’ footsteps and first dabbled in finance before getting into politics!

Where does Emmanuel Macron live?

Emmanuel Macron, the president of France, lives at the Élysée Palace on the Champs-Élysées. That’s the official residence for whoever holds the top job in the country.

Is Macron for the left or the right?

Macron has stated that he works in a left-wing government, but that he is both of the political left and a liberal. However, some might argue against this – there have been protests against his time in charge.

Further reading


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