North America

Would you like to learn more about North America? Check out thousands of interesting and fun facts about North America with

Baja, Gulf of California
11 Apr

10 Capable Facts About The Gulf of California

What is it about the Gulf of California that fascinates so many people? This wonderful, watery landmark is one of the most important natural wonders of North America – and in this fact file, we’ll take you through everything you need to know. Here are some fun facts about the Gulf of California to get …
facts about Oklahoma
9 Apr

12 Outstanding Facts About Oklahoma

So, you’ve heard of the musical, but how much have you heard about the actual state of Oklahoma? Let’s find out more about what makes this state great with some fascinating and fun facts about Oklahoma! 1. Where is Oklahoma? Oklahoma is a state situated in the South Central region of the US. It is …
interesting facts about Tennessee
28 Mar

10 Intense Facts about Tennessee

Tennessee is one of the most famous states in the US thanks to its whisky, its musical scene, and its rolling landscapes. That, of course, is just the tip of the iceberg – and we’re here to fill you in on all you need to know about Nashville and beyond! How much do you know …
a corn field, Iowa
12 Mar

10 Interesting Facts about Iowa

Iowa may be a small Midwestern state, but it’s packed with unique and interesting features that make it stand out from the crowd. From its role in bread-slicing history to its title as the Corn State, Iowa is full of surprises. Let’s take a closer look at some fun and quirky facts about Iowa that …
Facts about Winsconsin
27 Feb

10 Worthwhile Facts About Wisconsin

Known for cold winters and warm people, Wisconsin is one of the most fascinating US states. But is it really all about the cheese? Not at all – here are some fantastic and fun facts about Wisconsin that may just surprise you. 1. Where is Wisconsin? Known as a state in the Midwest, Wisconsin can …
interesting facts about Michigan
24 Feb

11 Interesting Facts About Michigan

How much do you know about the US state of Michigan? As it turns out, it’s not all about lakes and cakes. However, they’re pretty important to the state as a whole! Let’s take a look at some fun facts about Michigan that you may want to remember for a few pub quizzes down the …
Fun Facts about Mardi Gras
22 Feb

10 Magical Facts About Mardi Gras

It’s time for carnival! Mardi Gras celebrations remain some of the most vibrant and popular the world over, but what’s it all about, really? And when and where did Mardi Gras festivals first start? In this guide, we’ll take you through everything you could possibly want to know about this wonderful yearly celebration. Here are …
State flag of Virginia
20 Feb

11 Virtuous Facts About Virginia

Rich in agriculture but quick to evolve, the state of Virginia is often known as the “birthplace of the nation”. It’s one of the first 13 colonies of the USA, too, making it one of the most historically interesting places to visit (as well as reside in). Want to know more about this long-standing US …
facts about sierra nevada
28 Jan

12 Special Facts about Sierra Nevada

The Sierra Nevada is known as being one of the United States’ most extensive mountain ranges, as it trails along the eastern edge of California. The mountains are made mainly from the granite of volcanic lava, and the area contains all kinds of canyons, lakes, waterfalls, and more! Millions of people scurry here every year …
facts about Lake Winnipeg
25 Jan

10 Wonderful Facts about Lake Winnipeg

If you like boat races, fishing, swimming, and birdwatching, then you will probably love Lake Winnipeg! This famous freshwater lake remains a popular area for tourists to flock to from all over the world, and with good reason! This famous body of water has a lot to give, but how much do you actually know …
Minnesota skyline
17 Jan

12 Mighty facts about Minnesota

The absolute gorgeous scenery surrounding Minnesota state has to be seen to be believed. It’s known as the ‘land of 10,000 lakes’ for a reason – it’s absolutely full of wonderful waterways and walks! This historically rich state is well known for its farming, its wildlife and its European heritage. Let’s take a look at …
The CIA Shield
16 Jan

9 Uncensored Facts about the CIA

We have all seen depictions of the CIA in films, books, and TV shows. And, let’s face it, we’ve all heard conspiracy theories about the organization, too! And, with an organization cloaked in so much mystery, it’s no wonder that so many of us are curious to know more! With that in mind, here are …
fun facts about Nevada
12 Jan

10 Nifty Facts about Nevada State

From casinos and magic shows to wild horses and deserts, Nevada sure has a lot to offer! It is arguably one of the most famous states in the US, and with good reason! The Silver State has had a rich history and is making plenty more every day. But how much do you know about …
morten andreassen mX0tCOykgSY unsplash
6 Jan

12 Speedy Facts about Historic Route 66

This historic US highway was built to link Chicago in the east to California in the West.  But what do you really know about this stretch of iconic tarmac?  Here’s 12 fun facts about Route 66 worth learning: 1. It’s been around for nearly 100 years! Route 66 was opened on November 11, 1926, and …
fun facts about Montana
31 Dec

12 Mountainous Facts about Montana

Montana is a truly beautiful US state that borders British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan. It’s got a very apt name (as you’ll soon discover) – and it’s well-known across US history for its incredible mineral resources. It’s also a sparser state than you might think! Let’s take a look at some fun facts about Montana …