Landmarks & Tourist Attractions

facts about Salisbury Cathedral
10 Apr

12 Superb Facts About Salisbury Cathedral

When it comes to buildings that need to be on your bucket list, this is one that’s should be at the top. Forget the Empire State Building and the Eiffel Tower, and turn your attention to a building that was built centuries earlier.  Now sit back and enjoy these fun facts about Salisbury Cathedral! 1. …
interesting facts about Stonehenge
7 Apr

11 Fun Facts About Stonehenge

From the Giant’s Causeway to the Pyramids, mysterious places have survived hundreds, if not thousands of years, all around the world; and despite its less than appealing motorway-adjacent location, Stonehenge is nothing if not an unsolved enigma, not least because experts are still unable to understand why it was built! With some historical groups of …
interesting facts about the Empire State Building
7 Apr

10 Fun Fасtѕ About Thе Empire State Building

This is a world famous 102-story Art Deco skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. Want to find out more? Here’s some fun facts about The Empire State Building 1. It was a record-breaker. At the tіmе of building, The Empire State Building was the tallest buіldіng in thе world. 2. It’s truly massive! It …
interesting facts about the Shard
20 Mar

18 Towering Facts About The Shard

If you’ve ever been to London before, it’s likely you’ve seen The Shard!  Even if you don’t know what goes on inside, you’ll spot it on the skyline for miles around. Here’s a stack of fun facts about The Shard, one of Europe’s tallest buildings… 1. The Shard is Tower’s Bridge next door neighbour The …
petra 5079826 1920
11 Mar

29 Peaceful Facts About Petra

You will probably have heard of Petra before, or perhaps heard of it under one of its many iconic names: the Lost City, the City of the Dead, the Rose City… Hidden in the mountainous desert in Southern Jordan, the ruins of this ancient city tell the story of the Nabatean people, a lost civilisation only …
interesting facts about the Great Wall of China
24 Feb

11 Fun Facts About The Great Wall of China

Built to protect China from its enemies and invaders, The Great Wall of China has also prevented the Chinese people from leaving! It’s now a World Heritage site! Read on to discover 11 fun facts about The Great Wall of China: 1.   The Great Wall is the greatest wall of all! The Great Wall of China, …
20 Feb

12 Fast Spinning Facts About The London Eye

The London Eye might not be one of the longest-standing landmarks of the UK capital, but it’s still one of the most recognisable!  How much do you know about London’s colossal wheel? Before you book yourself in for a ride, take in a few of the following fun facts about The London Eye to familiarise yourself.  It’s …
interesting facts about Pyramids
6 Feb

24 Fascinating Facts About The Pyramids

Pyramids are some of the most mesmerizing structures on the planet, fascinating people to this day! Dating back millennia, it’s believed they’ve been used for a variety of purposes over the centuries. The most famous ones, of course, are the pyramids of Giza which once belonged to the pharaohs and rulers during ancient Egypt. Famous …
facts about the taj mahal
2 Feb

26 Majestic Facts About The Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is, without a doubt, one of the world’s most majestic pieces of architecture.  Found in the Indian city of Agra, it courts more than a million visitors each year purely for its spectacular visuals.  However, it is a mausoleum with plenty of interesting facts about it. To explore the love story behind …
interesting facts about Buckingham Palace
28 Jan

36 Brilliant Facts About Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is well-known as the official London residence of His Majesty, King Charles III. Apart from being a popular tourist attraction, the Palace and its grounds serve as an official royal residence, an administrative centre, and an important location for hosting ceremonies and handling political affairs in the UK. Before you buy your sightseeing …
interesting facts about the Eiffel Tower
27 Jan

28 Fun Facts About The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower or La Tour Eiffel in French is one of the world’s most recognizable landmarks. It was designed as the showpiece of the 1889 World’s Fair in Paris in remembrance of the French Revolution’s centennial as well as to show off France’s modern mechanical know-how on a global scale. Mission accomplished! For a closer look …