What Happened in 2002?
2002 was a fairly dramatic year on all accounts. Following terrorism that shook the world in 2001, this year was all about fighting back – but at the same time, it was also an important year for cultural growth both East and West.
There are positives and negatives to look back on about 2002, and that’s what we’re here to do right now. Here are some of the biggest events of 2002 that are worth recalling.
In this year

Member countries of the Eurozone finally changed currencies on January 1st, 2002, as the Euro rolled out across multiple European territories today. They were given until February 28th to decommission their old currencies – a massive change for tourism and the global economy.

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom celebrated her landmark Golden Jubilee on February 5th, 2002. The event marked her having been reigning monarch for 50 years – and she’d go on to celebrate her Platinum Jubilee in 2022, as the longest reigning King or Queen in the country for its entire history.

Switzerland made a major decision on March 2nd – one that raised eyebrows as it meant the country moved away from its famous neutrality. The country agreed to hold a referendum on whether or not to join the United Nations – which worked out favorably, as they officially became the UN’s 190th member as of September 10th, 2002.

A coup attempt in Venezuela failed to remove the sitting government from power as of Spring 2002 – and Hugo Chávez, then-President of the country, returned to power on April 14th.

The US and Russia agreed to sign an important document on May 24th, 2002 – as the nations signed on the dotted line to bring in the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty, effectively replacing older legislation from 1972 and 1993, respectively. It was a rare moment of unity between the powers – and, as we know now, the relationship has remained frosty since.

An amazing solar eclipse took place on June 10th, 2002 – as up to 99% of the Sun disappeared for around 23 seconds. Many people were able to see the event – albeit with safety equipment – across Mexico, the Pacific, and Australasia.

In a science experiment that – thankfully – didn’t get out of hand at the time, researchers at Stony Brook University revealed on July 11th that they had created a virus completely from scratch!

2002 was also a year about making more of a difference to our planet – and on August 26th, Johannesburg, South Africa played host to the Earth Summit, where the United Nations’ efforts to focus on sustainable development worldwide were discussed.

Shortly after Switzerland joined the United Nations, East Timor followed suit on September 27th to become Member 191. At the same time, the country changed its official name to the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste.

The end of an era in Bahrain’s political system loomed into view on October 24th, 2002 – as the country held Parliamentary votes for the first time since the early 1970s. It’s never too late to make a change in the name of democracy, it seems!

The US Homeland Security Act, thought to be the biggest governmental reshuffle since the Department of Defense was created in 1947, came into force as then-President George W Bush signed the necessary documents. It would take effect fully in 2003, effectively helping to kick-start Bush's War on Terror.

In another barnstorming moment for political change, Kenya held its first-ever free elections on December 27th, which effectively removed the incumbent National Unionists in favor of the National Rainbow Coalition.
2002 was the year of the…

If you were born in 2002, 2014, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, or 1930, you’re officially a horse according to the Chinese Zodiac. It certainly seems to be one of the most favorable animals in the Zodiac, as you’re a very energetic, positive, and enthusiastic person to be around. You love being the center of attention, but you’re also keen to make sure everyone enjoys themselves. The next horse year will be 2026.
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