
fortnite game
11 Dec

17 Fun Facts About Fortnite

Which game from Epic Games became a worldwide marvel for its Battle Royale mode? The answer is simple, especially for all the gamers out there, Fortnite. You can download the game on your PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and there’s a mobile version on Android and iPhone. Fall into a colourful world along …
interesting facts about solar energy
10 Dec

9 Sunny Facts About Solar Energy

The way in which the world uses power is always changing. For decades, we’ve been dependent on fossil fuels. That is, fuel which comes from our oceans and from the ground. However, major pushes to go greener – and to look for sources of renewable fuel – have been picking up in a big way. …
facts about plumbing
6 Oct

13 Perfect Facts About Plumbing

Where would we be without plumbing? Still out in the woods, we’d expect! Yes – while there are still plenty of us out there who have no issue using the great outdoors to relieve ourselves and to wash up – indoor plumbing has vastly improved the human experience. For one thing, it’s helped to keep …
interesting facts about Tik Tok
12 Sep

17 Terrific Facts About TikTok

Users all over the world enjoy creating videos backed by TikTok memes, music, and related sound clips. The parental insecurities and government concerns aside, TikTok’s popularity seems to be growing even faster than some of the most established social media apps. But do we truly understand and know TikTok – and why youngsters can’t seem …
Facts about the Hubble Telescope
5 Sep

30 Heavenly Facts About The Hubble Space Telescope

The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is the first sophisticated optical observatory placed into orbit around Earth. It’s entirely above the atmosphere and receives images of much greater brightness, clarity, and detail than ground-based telescopes with comparable optics. Far above the clouds, light pollution, and atmospheric distortions, Hubble has a crystal-clear view of the universe. Scientists …
interesting facts about GPS
3 Sep

14 Gripping Facts About GPS

Do you ever stop and think how amazing it is that your mobile phone can tell you exactly where you are in the world? You will after you’ve read these 14 fun facts about GPS… 1. What does GPS even mean? GPS is an acronym and stands for Global Positioning System. However, some people say …
Facts about Apollo 11
5 Aug

11 Amazing Facts About Apollo 11

Apollo 11 is probably the most iconic space mission ever. It’s been featured in more movies than you could watch in a lifetime, and the truth is even weirder than you might think. Here’s eleven interesting facts about Apollo 11. 1. Kennedy didn’t have his heart set on the heavens. JFK told the head of …
Marketing 1
9 Jul

12 Useful Facts About Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing can be a challenging undertaking for businesses. The internet is constantly changing, and staying up to date with the latest trends within the market is necessary to keep your business growing and developing. Marketing strategies have to address digital channels. Things like content and blogs, SEO, video, and social media are direct pathways …
interesting facts about The International Space Station
27 Apr

21 Fun Facts About The International Space Station

Floating 240 miles above Earth, the International Space Station is a technological marvel – the greatest undertaking in human history – a project that only succeeded because of the cooperative efforts of over a dozen nations. Here are 21 fun facts about the International Space Station: 1. The ISS launched in the late 90s. The …
two friends taking a selfie for social media
31 Mar

21 Viral Facts About Social Media

Can you remember a time before social media? Whether you can or can’t, one thing’s for sure, social media has changed the way we live, communicate, and promote our businesses! To control the power of social media, we need to understand what makes it tick. Here are 21 fun facts about social media that’ll boost …
interesting facts about the internet
12 Mar

16 Interesting Facts About The Internet

Used by billions of people all around the world, the internet is a technological ‘wunderkind’. It has changed our ways of communication and perception of the world. What seemed far and unreachable now is within our reach. It’s changed the way we live, work, socialise, and educate ourselves. It has its positive and negative sides …
interesting facts about radio waves
11 Mar

9 Entertaining Facts About Radio Waves

You’re probably aware that radio waves are used in devices such as mobile phones, traditional car radios and television programming. But how well do you know how radio frequency actually works, and what the frequency measures? Here are some fun facts about radio waves. 1. Radio waves are amazingly lengthy The longest wavelengths in the …