
facts about fiber optics
13 Sep

11 Fine Facts about Fibre Optics

Fibre optics have been around for longer than you might think – but we all rely on them to help keep the web running, and to ensure we can still enjoy our favourite movies and TV shows at home. But what exactly are fibre optics, and how do they work? Even if you know a …
facts about vpn
28 Aug

23 Private Facts about VPNs

Just how private is your internet browsing? Maybe not as private as you think! When it comes to true anonymity on the web, you may well find it difficult to keep things such as your browsing history secret. That’s why, in many cases, people flock towards VPNs, programs which will help them to keep their …
facts about VHF Radio
2 Aug

8 Verifiable Facts about VHF

In a world where radio seems to be becoming increasingly obsolete, fewer and fewer of us can actually remember or even know what certain terms mean! One of the terms that seem to be frequently used yet remains a mystery to many of us is “VHF”. As rare as it may seem, VHF is still …
facts about 5g
11 Jun

10 Interesting Facts about 5G Network

If you own a smartphone or tablet, there’s a good chance you’re already acquainted with the 5G network! Standing for the ‘5th generation’ in network connectivity, 5G has already broken records worldwide in terms of speed and capability. While it may not be available everywhere just yet, 5G is already making a huge difference to …
facts about the BBC
24 Apr

11 Brilliant Facts About The BBC

The BBC – otherwise known as the British Broadcasting Company – is one of the oldest and longest-standing broadcasting enterprises still standing. For around a century, the company and its network of programming, from TV to radio and digital formats, has entertained millions around the world – not just on home soil! The Beeb, or …
Facts about CCTV
9 Apr

11 Vigilant Facts About CCTV

CCTV, or closed-circuit television, has proven to be one of the most useful technological innovations with regard to monitoring and securing premises in the past few decades. Without CCTV, many of our homes and businesses may have fallen prey to robberies, vandalism, or otherwise – and CCTV can even be used to help prove crimes …
facts about atomic energy 3
3 Apr

12 Awesome Facts About Atomic Energy

Produced through nuclear reactions, atomic energy is incredibly useful – though its production can sometimes be considered a little controversial! It’s all about splitting the atom – and when you dig deep into the details, some of the stats are fascinating. Let’s take a look at some fun facts about atomic energy and its history. …
Mobile phone hacking factas
26 Mar

9 Important Facts About Phone Hacking

Phone hacking is, regrettably, still a very real problem. A few years ago, the process became big news for a variety of reasons – and while that seems to have died down for now, phone hackers are still out there – meaning it really does pay to keep on your guard. Here are some fascinating …
facts about air conditioning
10 Feb

20 Chilly Facts About Air Conditioning

Can you imagine a hot summer’s day without air-conditioning? Air conditioning is used to create and maintain a certain temperature, relative humidity, and air purity conditions in indoor spaces. One of the most refreshing feelings in the summer has to be entering into an air-conditioned space. An air-conditioning system must be effective regardless of outside …
facts about F1
29 Jan

20 Fast Facts About Formula 1

High velocity and adrenalin! Formula One (F1) has been entertaining the need for speed fans for decades. F1 racing is an incredible sport known for its expensive nature. No other sport invests so much in its development and equipment as F1. It’s also one of the most competitive and dangerous sports in the world. Whether …
facts about search engine optimisation
9 Jan

24 Helpful Facts About SEO

SEO, or search engine optimization, is often referred to as the lifeblood of the internet. But what does that actually mean? Crucially, it means that SEO makes the web go round. Without the help of search engines, there is only ever going to be so much that your website can do. You could have flashy …
Magnet Fact
4 Jan

29 Magical Facts About Magnets

Any material capable of attracting iron-containing objects and creating a magnetic field outside itself is a magnet. By the end of the 19th century, it was discovered that all the known elements have some magnetic property. Magnets have become a big part of our everyday lives. They’re used to make a close-fitting seal on freezers’ …
Picachu pokemon toy
3 Jan

19 Playful Facts About Pokémon

Gotta catch ‘em all! Believe it or not, Pokémon recently celebrated 25 years of monster-catching fun. It’s hard to believe what started out as an odd little game has expanded into an all-encompassing media phenomenon. More than just a series of handheld games, Nintendo has built the franchise into one of the biggest-selling entertainment properties …
facts about castles
29 Dec

14 Cool Facts About Castles

Castles have got to be some of the most fascinating structures from ancient history. Traditionally built to protect, some of the most bizarre and fascinating keeps and towers are those you can still spot around the landscape to this day! But what are some of the most interesting facts about castles you might not be …
interesting facts about tanks
28 Dec

17 Terrifying Facts About Tanks

The tank remains one of the most iconic pieces of military equipment on the planet. These armored vehicles have long been used as fighting vehicles used to cross rugged terrain in times of warfare and conflict. Famously used in World War II, tanks are impressive behemoths that have evolved massively over the decades. In fact, …