
facts about water-skiing
3 Sep

15 Wild Facts About Water Skiing

Have you ever been water skiing before? Many people will tell you it’s the most fun you can have hanging off a boat – you’ll never know if you like it until you try it! Here are some intriguing facts about the water sport to entice you to give it a go. 1. Water skiing …
fun facts about skiing
29 Aug

13 Spectacular Facts About Skiing

Ever been skiing before? It’s likely to be some of the best fun you can have with snow – short of building snowmen, we’d wager! However, skiing remains a massively exhilarating and exciting pursuit. It can take some time for you to learn how to master the sticks and skis, however, once you hit the …
grains of sand falling through fingers
28 Aug

15 Terrific Facts About Time

Time is said to be a human-made construct. That’s certainly true, as animals don’t have any real way of being able to tell whether its three in the morning or five in the afternoon! While everyone else in the animal kingdom knows to sleep when it’s dark and to rise when it’s light, human beings …
facts about cycling
28 Aug

14 Seriously Energetic Facts About Cycling

Get on your bikes and ride – as Freddie Mercury once sang! What is it about cycling that makes it so popular with exercise enthusiasts? The fact is the humble bicycle and the sport of cycling has come a long way over the decades. While we may no longer be riding penny farthings, cycling remains …
facts about mediterranean diet
19 Aug

13 Healthy Facts About The Mediterranean Diet

It’s long been touted as one of the healthiest parts of the world, but why? Well, the secret lies in the local, highly acclaimed Mediterranean diet, so isn’t it about time you took a closer look at exactly why it’s so special? Here’s all the facts you need to know to get started… 1. It’s a …
facts about Tesla cars
17 Aug

12 Terrific Facts About Tesla

Tesla is nothing short of a phenomenon. Just when everyone thought the electric car was gone for good, entrepreneur Elon Musk went ahead and brought the concept back from the dead – in a massive way! Founded in 2003, the brand is now known for offering some of the most appealing EVs on the planet. …
nutrition facts about mushrooms
17 Aug

10 Magical Facts About Mushroom Nutrition

Mushrooms are part of the fungi family and are a low calorie, high fibre food choice that can be enjoyed as part of many healthy dishes. Here are 11 interesting facts about mushrooms nutrition to help clue you in… 1. Mushrooms are really good for you! Mushrooms contain B vitamins such as folate riboflavin, thiamine …
facts about table tennis
16 Aug

14 Totally Fun Facts About Table Tennis

Fun to play and watch, but tricky to master, table tennis – or ping pong – is a worldwide phenomenon. A fantastic pursuit for people of all ages, it takes genuine nerve and paddle control. Whether you’re used to playing a few simple games of ping pong or are more used to a professional table …
tube 1209419 640
13 Aug

16 Fun Facts About The London Underground

The London Underground is essential to the millions of London commuters that use it daily. For all its weaknesses, it is still an amazing piece of engineering. Here’s 16 fun about the London Underground that may surprise you… 1. The Underground has been with us for a long time. The London Underground debuted in 1863, …
facts about cheesecake
11 Aug

32 Yummy Facts About Cheesecake

Cheesecake is a dessert with a really intriguing history! Not only is it a tempting sweet treat with plenty of flavours and which arrives in plenty of shapes and styles, there’s perhaps a little more to it than you might think. Cheesecake is likely to be a guilty pleasure for many people thanks to the …
interesting facts about nike
6 Aug

42 Fun Facts About Nike

Nike is inarguably one of the biggest sportswear brands on the planet.  You may well have worn one or two of their clothing staples over the years! Throughout the 20th century and into the 21st, Nike has continued to emerge as a brand that millions of people recognise virtually anywhere on earth. But how much …
Facts about Gemini
6 Aug

16 Great Facts About Gemini

If you were born between the dates of May 20th and June 20th, you are a Gemini according to the western zodiac. Gemini is a sign represented by twins, and as with the other 11 signs in the zodiac, there are thought to be plenty of different traits that people born during the Gemini period …
Facts about Apollo 11
5 Aug

11 Amazing Facts About Apollo 11

Apollo 11 is probably the most iconic space mission ever. It’s been featured in more movies than you could watch in a lifetime, and the truth is even weirder than you might think. Here’s eleven interesting facts about Apollo 11. 1. Kennedy didn’t have his heart set on the heavens. JFK told the head of …
facts about the 747 Jumbo Jet
5 Aug

13 Fun Facts About The 747 Jumbo Jet

The Boeing 747 has long since been the leading standard for incredible long distance commercial air travel. Also known as the Jumbo Jet, the 747 helped to revolutionise the way that people travel not only within their own countries, but globally. Whether or not you have travelled via 747 jumbo jet before, or even if …
Facts about the Porsche 911
5 Aug

19 Perfect Facts About Porsche 911

The Porsche 911 is an iconic and popular sports car famed for its looks as well as for it performance. Many people will state this sports car as one of their all-time favourites. There’s a lot that makes the Porsche 911 such a special car.  Let’s take a closer look with these 22 fun facts …