The latest facts from Fact City

The Illuminati
12 Feb

9 Leading Facts about the Illuminati

Sssh… have you heard of the Illuminati? We have all probably heard about conspiracy theories regarding this supposed secret group and their place in societies across the world today, and from long ago! However, it is important to remember that most of the information about the Illuminati is just that – conspiracy theories! Here are …
9 Feb

10 Curious Facts about Cannibalism

Well, I hope you’re not eating anything, because this fact file is going to be a little… gross. In case you don’t know what cannibalism is, it is the act of one member of a species eating another member of the same species. It’s widely used to describe humans eating human flesh. As you can …
speed of sound
8 Feb

11 Sonic Facts About The Speed of Sound

As kids, we all want to think that we can run at the speed of sound! Who hasn’t put on their fastest shoes and tried to break the sound barrier? If you haven’t tried it, you absolutely should. But what exactly does the speed of sound mean, and how does it work? Here are some …
Vladimir Putin
7 Feb

11 Bold Facts about Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin is easily one of the most infamous people in the world. As the head of Russia, he has long made questionable decisions regarding the country, its policies, and its treatment of other nations. But how much do you know about the Russian President? Here are some bold and interesting facts about Vladimir Putin. …
Augusto Pinochet
6 Feb

10 Alarming Facts about Augusto Pinochet

Augusto Pinochet is one of the most infamous names in world political history. Known for being a dictator for well over a decade, the man left a legacy of violence, fear-mongering, and cruelty. But how much do you know about the Chilean dictator? Here are some interesting facts about Augusto Pinochet worth remembering. 1. Pinochet …
facts about john d. rockefeller
5 Feb

10 Rocky Facts about John D. Rockefeller

The name “Rockefeller” should ring a bell for most of us. For example, we all know of Rockefeller Centre and its significance in New York City. But how much do you know about the man the centre was named after? John D. Rockefeller was easily one of the most influential and important entrepreneurs in American …
the EU
5 Feb

What Happened in 1995?

Who out there remembers the mid-90s? It seems like an age away now – three decades, in fact – but it might surprise you to learn what went down in the middle of that society-changing time. 1995 was all about Britpop, strange fashion, and the rise of a little thing called the internet… However, it …
2 Feb

12 Crazy Facts about Chrysler

It’s time to put the pedal to the metal, as they say! Chryslers are some of the most famous cars on the road. Known for their robust designs, these vehicles have been around since the 1920s! But how much do you know about this iconic American car company? Here are some fun facts about Chrysler …
The Spice Girls
2 Feb

What Happened in 1996?

1996 was a great year for many reasons. It was the epicentre of a new age of gaming consoles, the start of the cellphone revolution, and the phrase “Girl Power” went global thanks to the Spice Girls. However, it was also a year of celebrity births and a few tragic losses. Here are some of …
1 Feb

11 Terrific Facts About Telescopes

Where on Earth would we be without telescopes? These marvellous eyepieces have helped us gain an incredible understanding of the universe around us and have supported extraordinary scientific discoveries, worked as sailor’s tools, and fuelled childhood dreams of the stars. But how much do you know about the mighty telescope, where it came from, what …
facts about the Titanic
1 Feb

What Happened in 1997?

1997 was a year of big changes in society. From huge political change in the UK to the losses of some of our most beloved public figures, 1997 was also the year of Teletubbies, Tamagotchis, and internet chat rooms. Whether you were around at the time to experience ’97 for yourself or not, we’ve lined …
facts about phuket
31 Jan

11 Pretty Facts About Phuket

If you would like to see paradise on Earth (and honestly, who wouldn’t), Phuket comes about as close to it as possible! This stunning island hosts tourists from all over the world every year looking for white sandy beaches and crystal clear waters and wanting to experience a beautiful and unique culture. But, just in …