On This Day - September 17th
Many of us don’t really appreciate September 17th in all of its glory. We tend to think of it as just another day on the calendar, which couldn’t be farther from the truth! Here are some of the most interesting things to know about September 17th – and if you are already celebrating a special occasion today, many happy returns! Stick with us for some facts, figures, and some famous birthdays.
On this day

We found out about bacteria for the first time.
In 1683, Dutch scientist Antoine van Leeuwenhoek made history! He became the first person ever to report the existence of bacteria – without him, we might not have been able to fight back against some of the most invasive and devastating diseases and conditions across the globe.

Jacobites occupied Edinburgh.
In 1745, Edinburgh, Scotland, was occupied by the Jacobites. They were working under the order of Charles Edward Stuart, also known to many as the Young Pretender, or even more famously as Bonny Prince Charlie!

Harriet Tubman escaped slavery.
In 1849, Harriet Tubman first escaped slavery in Maryland with two of her brothers. She returned to the same area around 13 times over ten years to saveover70 friends and family members from the slave trade!

Special Days Falling on September 17th
September 17th plays host to lots of different celebrations and commemorations that take place around the world today. Here are some of the most important events to keep an eye out for.
International Patient Safety Day
Patient safety is, naturally, the number one priority in healthcare no matter where you go. Countless medical workers, from doctors and nurses to cleaners and administrators, work tirelessly to ensure the safety and well-being of their patients. And today is a reminder to always put patient safety first and for us patients to thank the medical care workers for all that they do to protect us!

Australian Citizenship Day
Every September 17th, Australians come together to honor what it means to be Australian, from their heritage to their privileges as citizens. Whether they are Australian-born or fortunate enough to have gained citizenship, Australia is known for being one of the most beautiful countries in the southern hemisphere – so why not take today to feel proud of your homeland if you’re from Down Under?

Constitution Day
September 17th is also an important date for American citizens! Constitution Day celebrates the document that ensures the rights of American citizens. Since 1787, the Constitution has been the core of US citizenship – and it continues to dictate how laws are created and protected to this day. Historians look back on today as one of the most important in the American calendar.
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