Thomas Edison

On This Day - October 17th

October 17th is more than just a day falling in the middle of the month. For Libras everywhere, it’s a really special occasion – and today, we’re going to take a look at a few more reasons why you might wish to mark it and remember it further. Take a closer look at some fantastic facts we’ve unearthed about today, October 17th.

On this day

Flag of Kosovo

The Second Battle of Kosovo took place.

In 1448, the Second Battle of Kosovo took place. The mostly Hungarian army under John Hunyadi was defeated by the Ottoman army under Sultan Murad II.

Dunkirk D Day Landings

Dunkirk was sold.

In 1662, Charles II of Great Britain sold the territory of Dunkirk back to the French. He sold it for about 320,000 English pounds! We all know Dunkirk a little better now, of course, for the pivotal rescues that occurred there during World War II.

Jean-Jacques Dessalines

Emperor Jacques I was assassinated.

In 1806, Emperor Jacques I, the former leader of the Haitian Revolution, was killed. He was killed at Port-au-Prince, having been dismembered and mutilated.

London Beer Flood

The London Beer Flood occurred.

In 1814, London’s streets were bursting with beer! A bursting vat at Veux & Company Brewery flooded the streets with over 300,000 gallons of porter ale. Eight people died from the disaster, and it was believed that a ninth person died later from alcohol poisoning. So, as much as a flood of beer might sound appetizing, it was far from pleasant for those struck by tragedy.

Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison filed a patent.

In 1888, famous inventor and businessman Thomas Edison filed a patent for the Optical Phonograph. Essentially, it was a patent for the first movie! Was there anything that Edison didn’t invent?

Special Days Falling on October 17th

October 17th is an important date for people all around the world, and here are some of the reasons why!
interesting facts about Afghanistan

Child Poverty Day

Every October 17th is Child Poverty Day around the world. It is a day we all take time to stop and think about how poverty in countries around the world affects the children who can do nothing to save themselves. It is our duty to take care of our children, no matter who they are or where they’re from! So, research some of the ways you can help the children of the world today.

Facts about Bolivia

Day of Dignity

In Bolivia, October 17th is the Day of Dignity. The day is dedicated to the commemoration of the victims of the 2003 oil revolt. The day has been honored ever since former President of Bolivia Evo Morales declared it a national holiday – it’s an occasion for solemn reflection.

Jean-Jacques Dessalines

Dessalines Day

For the people of Haiti, October 17th is Dessalines Day. It is the anniversary of Jean-Jacques Dessalines' death. People celebrate with parades, parties, and even some incredibly accurate reenactments of his life! He played a key role in what became the Haitian Revolution, so it should come as no surprise that even today, the people of the country gather to celebrate him and his achievements.

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit

This month in history

Ukraine’s Prime Minister, Vitaly Masol, handed in his resignation in 1990. He did so as a result of protests across the nation, largely led by students – and, as a result, Masol became the first Soviet official of his rank to quit under such public intensity.

Libra Zodiac Sign Facts

If you were born on October 17th…

…you’re a Libra! You are a very loyal, kind, and just friend. You will stand by those you love even when they’re wrong, but you’re also not afraid to let them know they’re wrong and to make things right! You have a habit of showing some stubbornness occasionally, but you always fall back into good habits as a bastion of balance and generosity.


If you’re new to star signs, take a look over at our dedicated facts page about Libra, and get some insight into what makes you tick.

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