Amazing facts about the 1980s

On This Day - November 9th

November 9th may feel like a dark, rainy day for many of us in the upper hemisphere, but if we can learn anything from history, it’s that today can be full of surprises. It might be your birthday or you might otherwise be celebrating today – but whether you are or not, we’ve brought together some facts about November 9th you might just find fascinating.

On this day

King of Italy Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon became a dictator.

In 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte launched and succeeded in a coup for power. In so doing, he became France’s dictator under the title of First Consul. As many of you might already know, he would go on to live in exile after a string of defeats.

Flag of Germany

Wilhelm II abdicated.

Following Germany’s defeat in World War I, Emperor Wilhelm II abdicated on this day in 1918. The Weimar Republic of Germany was then proclaimed. However, years of financial decline as a result of war reparations helped to pave the way for Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party, thus leading to the atrocities that sparked World War II.

Facts of Iran

War was declared on Iran.

In 1980, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein declared a holy war against Iran. The war lasted until 1988, and Hussein would eventually be brought to task for crimes and duly executed in the 00s.

Kasparov made chess history.

On November 9th, 1985, Russian chess master Gary Kasparov ensured that his name would go down in history – as he became the world's youngest-ever chess champion at the age of 22 years old, beating Anatoly Karpov at the 13th World Chess Championship.

Facts about Jordan

Jordan was attacked.

In 2005, suicide bombers attacked three separate hotels in Amman, in Jordan. At least 60 people died in the attacks.

Special Days Falling on November 9th

November 9th is also a day for celebration! Here are some of the biggest celebrations taking place around the world today.
rainbow flag

Brian Holland Legacy Day

Today honors the remarkable Brian Holland, a famous community leader and founder of the Brian Holland Legacy Foundation. The foundation’s goal was to provide support for members of the LGBTQ+ community, promote equality, invest in the arts and education, and foster a sense of community everywhere. If you care deeply about civil rights – or demand equality for all in any shape or form – today’s a great day to look into Holland’s work and to celebrate.

facts Cambodia

Cambodia Independence Day

Every November 9th is also Cambodia Independence Day. The day commemorates the moment Cambodia became independent from France in 1953. Celebrations take place all over the country, but the main event takes place at the Independence Monument, in Phnom Penh. It’s here where an official steps forward to light a special flame toward the middle of the Independence Monument – and the stairs leading up to the monument are decorated with flowers.

Amazing facts about the 1980s

World Freedom Day

On November 9th, 1989, the Berlin Wall finally came down, reuniting East and West Germany after decades of turmoil. The wall that had once separated loved ones and kept a nation torn in two was brought down in a moment that will live on in history forever – and today, we celebrate the fall of the wall, the rise of democracy, and freedom.

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit

This month in history

Panama became independent. In November 1821, the country declared itself independent from Spain. It then joined the new nation of Gran Colombia – and it’s been a nation in its own right ever since. November is a very important month for citizens and diaspora!

Famous Birthdays on November 9th

Claudio Casciolini, Italian composer, born 1697

Hedy Lamarr, Austrian-American actor, born 1914

Carl Sagan, American astronomer, born 1934

Chris Jericho, American wrestler, born 1970

Analeigh Tipton, American model, born 1988

Scorpio Zodiac Sign Facts

If you were born on November 9th…


…you’re a Scorpio! Scorpios are honest, strong, and ready to fight for whatever you believe in. You’re an amazing friend and partner to have on side, which tends to make you pretty popular! That said, you have a mysterious streak that can mean you’re a little closed-off sometimes.


Learn more about Scorpios over at our facts page, and dive into more details on other Zodiac signs. Who knows – you might start reading your daily horoscopes as a result!

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