National Packaging Design Day

🗓️ On This Day - May 7th

Today is an extraordinary day in so many ways; for starters, we celebrate National Barrier Awareness Day, encouraging us all to look at the ways we can immediately improve as a society. But, what else has happened on May 7th throughout history?

On this day

Hagia Sophia, Turkey

A huge architectural disaster took place.

On this day in 558 AD, the dome of the Hagia Sophia, an ancient monument in Istanbul, Turkey, collapsed, leading to its reconstruction under the orders of Justinian I. It served as a church for over 900 years before being converted into a mosque in the 15th century. Today, it is a museum that attracts millions of visitors annually!

National Nurses Day

An AMA-zing organization!

The American Medical Association (AMA) was first founded in Philadelphia on May 7th, 1847. The AMA is by far the largest professional association of physicians in the US and has significantly shaped American medicine.


From Tokyo to the world!

Hyper-famous electronics giants Sony said hello to the world on May 7th, founded back in 1946 by Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita. The company started with only around 20 employees and was originally called Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering. Today, Sony is a multinational conglomerate corporation - you may well use their TVs, laptops, and even have a PlayStation or two!

Cordero Jr

Cordero Jr raced his last.

Legendary Puerto Rican jockey Ángel Cordero Jr. retired in 1992 after winning 7,057 thoroughbred horse races, including three Kentucky Derbies. Cordero was known for his incredible and almost unmatchable skill and agility on horseback, earning him the nickname "The King of Saratoga." He was later inducted into the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame!

Bruce WIllis

A Bruce Willis classic took to the big screen.

Sci-fi action-adventure film "The Fifth Element" was released in France all the way back on May 7th, 1997, directed by Luc Besson and starring Bruce Willis and Milla Jovovich. The story unfolds in a futuristic world where a taxi driver and a mysterious woman must work together as an unlikely duo to save the Earth from impending doom!

Special Days Falling on May 7th

Today there is so much to observe - we recognize our limitations as a society, we take a closer look at an everyday item most don't really think about, and we wash it all down with a cool refreshing citrusy thirst-quencher! Here's some special days coming up…
National Barrier Awareness Day

National Barrier Awareness Day

If you’re able-bodied, when was the last time you considered the accessibility needs of those who aren’t so fortunate? National Barrier Awareness Day is observed every year on May 7th to raise awareness about physical, cultural, and social barriers that prevent people with disabilities from fully participating in society. The day aims to promote inclusivity and accessibility.

National Packaging Design Day

National Packaging Design Day

Who really takes a close look at what their purchases come wrapped in? Well, today is the day to take a second look at the things that surround us! National Packaging Design Day recognizes the importance of packaging design and how it impacts the sale and promotion of products - as well as the creativity of artists and writers!

National Lemonade Day

National Lemonade Day

National Lemonade Day is a tasty little holiday that celebrates the refreshing but simple beverage made from lemon juice, sugar, and water. The occasion was created to teach children entrepreneurial skills and encourage them to set up lemonade stands. Many businesses and communities now participate by hosting lemonade stands and donating the proceeds to charity!

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit

This month in history

The legendary Wright Brothers first patented their invention of a "flying machine" on May 22nd 1906, after applying for it three years prior. The patent covered the invention of a system of aerodynamic control that included a means for manipulating an aircraft's wing surfaces. What a moment for aviation!

Famous Birthdays on May 7th

Olympe de Gouges, French playwright and revolutionary, born 1748

Johannes Brahms, German composer and conductor, born 1833

Archibald MacLeish, American poet, born 1892

Edwin Land, American inventor, born 1909

Alexander Ludwig, Canadian Actor, born 1992

Facts about Taurus

If you were born on May 7th…

Happy birthday, Taurus! This may well be the best birthday to have as you share it with some super special people! As the bull of the zodiac, you possess traits of being passionate, stubborn, and determined.

Want to find out more about the bull? Take it by the horns and head over to our Taurus facts.

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