On This Day - May 28th
May 28th is a pretty important date to remember, regardless of what you already have planned for the day ahead! It’s remembered for meat-themed celebrations and computing firsts - but what else can we learn about this surprising day in the spring calendar?
On this day

Joan of Arc wore something shocking!
On this date back in 1431, Joan of Arc shocked the nation by wearing something no one could have imagined - men’s clothing. And, in doing so she was accused of heresy and sentenced to death - a bit of an overdramatic reaction, perhaps?

President Andrew Jackson led a Trail of Tears.
In 1830, today was the date that US President Andrew Jackson controversially signed the Indian Removal Act. The law led to the forced removal of the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole tribes out of Georgia.

Alan Turing changed the world.
In 1936, Alan Turing submitted the “On Computable Numbers” paper for publication. His theory helped lead to the development of modern computing as we know it today - meaning that without Turing, you probably wouldn’t be able to read this article!

Amnesty International was founded.
Amnesty International, the world-famous human rights promoter, was founded on this very day all the way back in 1961, in London, England. To this day, the organization remains hugely influential in revealing plight and raising awareness.

Special Days Falling on May 28th
May 28th seems to be a fairly big day for meat lovers, but it’s also an important day to consider the rights of fellow citizens all over the world. Here are some special occasions to mark today, regardless of anything else you already have planned!
National Brisket Day
Ever tried a slice or two of brisket before? May 28th is, apparently, a national day for enjoying this tasty beef dish - a primal cut that’s served with a variety of vegetables and flavors. Brisket is something of an ancient treat that dates far before the birth of the Michelin Star! Nowadays, it’s popular to let brisket cook for days in advance to get the best flavors and textures. If you’ve never tried it before, now’s your chance!

Amnesty International Day
Amnesty International is an organization focused on helping to promote human rights the world over. Whether it’s ending child labor, promoting sexual freedoms, or ensuring no one has to go hungry, AI does incredible work raising awareness for some truly shocking rights violations. Today’s the day to recognize their work for the better, and to do your bit in any way you can - even if it’s just a donation.

Menstrual Hygiene Day
For millions of women, bodily functions can bring about feelings of shame and worry. This really shouldn’t be the case - and Menstrual Health Day exists to help guide women of all ages and backgrounds towards healthier menstrual practices, with the knock-on effect being better physical and mental health overall. Today is a good day to open up about your body.
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