On This Day - May 20th
May 20th is a day about dogs, bees, and stacks of historical events! While that may sound a little confusing, all you need to do is read on to find out exactly what we mean - and happy birthday if you're celebrating already!
On this day

The world was introduced to Shakespeare’s sonnets.
On this date back in 1609, the world was finally introduced to William Shakespeare’s sonnets as they were published in London. It is believed that they were perhaps published illicitly by Thomas Thorpe. Regardless, we’re thankful we have them to read and enjoy even to this day!

Charles Lindbergh took to the skies!
In 1927, today was the date that Charles Lindbergh took off from New York on his way to Paris. It was the first solo non-stop transatlantic flight ever - and Lindbergh’s name is still synonymous with aerial feats and flights of fancy.

Elton John also made history!
In 1979, Elton John became the first western pop star to ever tour in the USSR! We definitely hope that that Saturday night was not alright for fighting! At the time of writing, Elton is embarking on his final world tour - it’s been a glittering career to say the least.
Special Days Falling on May 20th
May 20th is more than just any other day. In fact, it’s a great day to celebrate all creatures great and small, and to dip into a few of your favorite shows and movies. Here are some great ways you can mark the date.
National Streaming Day
We live in the golden age of entertainment - millions of people have access to countless series, films, podcasts, audiobooks, music, and so on! The content available to us is truly amazing - and this special day, first marked by Roku back in 2014, is a good opportunity to go looking for some entertainment bargains online.

World Bee Day
As small as these little insects are, the world would truly be nothing without bees. Without bees, the world’s food supply would seriously dwindle - which is why taking care of them and preserving our buzzy little buddies is so important! So, today, take the time to read up on the plight of bees, and what you can do personally to help pollen-collectors thrive.

National Rescue Dog Day
Dogs truly are everyone’s best friends and with good reason! Sadly, though, so many dogs around the world are mistreated, abandoned, and left unloved. That is why it is always better to adopt rescue dogs than to pay out for a pedigree pet if you can. This National Rescue Dog Day could be the perfect opportunity for you to save a loving animal’s life or help someone you know find their new partner.
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