1950s Facts

🗓️ On This Day - March 9th

March 9th is a day for celebrating dolls, meatballs, and Portugal! As odd as that may sound, it's an important day that ties them all together… so, let's just dive in and take a look at what kind of an impact March 9th has made on society in years gone by.

On this day

Pedro Álvares Cabral

Pedro Álvares Cabral departed from Portugal.

On this very date back in 1500, navigator Pedro Álvares Cabral left Lisbon, Portugal, leading a 13-ship expedition to India. It was during this particular expedition that the Portuguese also claimed Brazil for themselves!

Jean Calas

Jean Calas was posthumously exonerated.

If the name Jean Calas doesn’t mean much to you, here’s the lowdown. He was a French man who was tortured and executed in 1762 for the murder of his son. However, following a public campaign led by philosopher Voltaire, on this very date back in 1765, Jean Calas was posthumously exonerated by the judges in Paris.

Joseph Stalin Facts

Joseph Stalin was laid to rest.

On this date in 1953, Joseph Stalin’s funeral finally took place. He was held in Moscow and took place following four days of national mourning. Stalin’s rule was infamous - he was a brutal dictator under whom many people died - but many still supported his reign on the grounds that he helped fight against Adolf Hitler in World War II.

U2 Bono and The Edge

U2 makes a massive splash.

On this date in 1987, U2 released their fifth album, The Joshua Tree - arguably their most iconic work to date. Bono, Adam Clayton, The Edge, and Larry Mullen Jr took away the Grammy for Best Album in 1988, too!

Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn strived to give back.

On this day in 1988, world-famous actress Audrey Hepburn was appointed as a UNICEF Special Ambassador. She was the UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador from 1988 to 1993 - helping to bookend her incredible career on and off the screen.

Slim Shady

Slim Shady got picked up.

On March 9th 1998, Dr. Dre’s label, Aftermath Entertainment, signed a promising new rapper - Marshall Mathers III, or as he’s better known, Eminem. It wouldn’t take the star long to cement his place in music history - he’s one of the most important musicians in his genre.

Special Days Falling on March 9th

March 9th may not seem like anything extraordinary, but there’s actually a lot to celebrate today! Here are some of the national holidays you should think about if you don’t have anything else to mark today with.
National Get Over It Day

National Get Over It Day

We all have things we hold onto that we shouldn’t. Bad memories, terrible experiences, and rough days at the office. Well, today is the day to get over it! Think of all of the things that have been weighing you down, and take today to push them aside once and for all. Enjoy getting over it and moving on!

National Meatball Day

National Meatball Day

There’s nothing quite like spaghetti and some sweet meatballs! They’re always best homemade, but if you’re no good at cooking, then head to your favorite local restaurant and order a big bowl of meatballs to celebrate today right! These traditional meat treats are never cooked to the same recipe - so try something new if you’re an aficionado.

1950s Facts

National Barbie Day

Barbie’s something of an American icon. The famous doll is more than just a toy - she’s a fashion brand, an aesthetic, and for millions of people, a fond memory of childhood! Today’s a great day to dive back into those days gone by, and to learn a little bit more about Barbie’s history.

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit

This month in history

Persia changed its name! If Persia reminds you only of films or stories, that’s probably because you didn’t grow up with the country’s former name! Persia is actually the country of Iran, which was renamed in March 1935.

Famous Birthdays on March 9th

Amerigo Vespucci, Italian navigator, born 1454

William Cobbett, British journalist, born 1763

André Courrèges, French couturier, born 1913

Yuri Gagarin, Soviet astronaut, born 1934

Bobby Fischer, American chess champion, born 1943

fun facts about Pisces

If you were born on March 9th


…you’re a Pisces! You’re sensitive, sensible, and sensational! You’re one of the most interesting Zodiac signs there is, and we have all of the information to prove it on our Pisces facts page! 

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