On This Day in History - Airbus A380 January 18th

🗓️ On This Day - January 18th

January 18th - whether it’s important to you or not, it’s a date that’s linked to all kinds of important historical events. It’s well known in medical fields, civil rights, politics, and even in aviation. Why? Let’s find out below with some fun facts about January 18th.

On this day

Byzantine Leo ii - on this day in history

A seven-year-old became emperor!

Believe it or not, on January 18th, in the year 474, seven-year-old Leo II became emperor of the Byzantine empire following the death of his grandfather, Leo I. He died ten months later.

Captain James Cook - On This Day in History, January

James Cook took Hawaii!

British explorer James Cook discovered the Hawaiian Islands on January 18th, 1778. This made him the first European to ever do so! He named the area the Sandwich Islands. Maybe not such a strong name, but he was probably tired from the journey!


Check out these rays!

On this day, back in 1896, H. L. Smith exhibited an X-ray-generating machine for the very first time! It has since become one of the most vital tools in the medical industry - saving millions of lives over the decades since the technology first came to prominence.

fun facts about Versailles

The Paris Peace Conference kicked off.

It was on January 18th, 1919, that the Paris Peace Conference finally opened in Versailles, France. It was a meeting of the winning allies to discuss peace terms following the end of World War I. Sadly, war did arise again not too much later - but big lessons were learned.

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King Jr. Day became an official holiday.

The day commemorating the equal rights movement leader became officially observed by all 50 states in the US on January 18th, 1993. It has been celebrated by all states every year since and marks an important time to remember the life and work of the civil rights movement’s most enduring figurehead.

On This Day in History - Airbus A380 January 18th

Presenting the Airbus A380!

Back in 2005, the world’s biggest commercial jet, the Airbus A380, was officially unveiled for the first time. The event occurred in Toulouse, France, and the plane is still highly used across the world today. It can carry up to 853 passengers in one flight!

Special Days Falling on January 18th

Whether you are from Michigan or simply love the Great Lake State, today is the day to celebrate it! You can honor the day by going to discover some of Michigan’s most treasured landscapes or learning a little more about the state’s history!
National Thesaurus Day

National Thesaurus Day

We all need a thesaurus every now and then! When you can’t think of the right word, this book… tome… synonym machine is seriously helpful. The creator of Roget’s Thesaurus, Peter Mark Roget, was born on January 18th, 1779. So, now is the time to start diving deep into those synonyms!

National Winnie the Pooh Day

National Winnie the Pooh Day

Many of us grew up loving the cuddly yellow bear, crazy for honey (no matter the cost!). January 18th is a great day to remember some of the character’s best-loved stories. It also happens to be the birthday of A A Milne, Pooh’s creator. Is there a more enduring character in all of popular culture? Maybe not!

Interesting facts of Michigan

National Michigan Day

Whether you are from Michigan or simply love the Great Lake State, today is the day to celebrate it! You can honor the day by going to discover some of Michigan’s most treasured landscapes or learning a little more about the state’s history!

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit

This month in history

Louis Braille was born in January 1809. If the name rings a bell, it’s because this Frenchman was blinded as a child, leading him to create the Braille reading system for the blind! The system is still used today by people across the world - it’s helped to unlock reading and writing potential for millions who would otherwise be at an unfair disadvantage.

Famous Birthdays on January 18th

Daniel Webster, US Secretary of State, born 1782

Daniel Williams, American heart surgeon, born 1858

Cary Grant, American actor, born 1904

Ray Dolby, American engineer, born 1933

Curt Flood, American baseball player, born 1938

facts about Capricorn

If you were born on January 18th…

…you’re a Capricorn! People tend to flock to you when they need advice, help, or someone they can rely on in a pinch. That can be a blessing and a curse if you really like your peace and quiet!

Take a look at our Capricorn fact file if you want to know more about what your star sign has to say about you.

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