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On This Day - December 30th

We’re officially reaching the end of the year, and there is just one more day before yet another day of festivities. So, don’t waste this day! Kick back, relax, and learn more about what makes today so special. Here are some of the most fascinating things to know about December 30th.

On this day

war of the roses

The War of the Roses took place

In 1460, during the Wars of the Roses, the Battle of Wakefield took place. The Duke of York was killed and his forces were defeated by those of King Henry VI. The War of the Roses was one of the bloodiest yet most fascinating civil conflicts to have taken place in Britain across history. Let’s hope it’s the last.

facts about earthquakes

Japan was hit by an earthquake

In 1703, Tokyo was hit by an earthquake. Around 37,000 people died from the natural disaster. It remains one of the most devastating disasters to have hit the country, and while Japan is better prepared now to face earthquakes, the risk level is always high.

All India Muslim League

The All India Muslim League was founded

In 1906, on this day, the All India Muslim League was founded in Dacca, East Bengal, British India Empire. It later laid down the foundations of Pakistan.

3 galaxies

Hubble announced the existence of three galaxies

Famed astronomer Edwin Hubble, after whom the giant telescope was named, took today to announce that there were three more galaxies beyond our own – he revealed the information to the American Astronomical Society – and since then, there’s been talk of finding intelligent life beyond our own.

facts about Vietnam

Vietnam became independent

In 1950, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia became Independent states within the French Union. They have retained their independence ever since, though sadly, it wouldn't be long before Vietnam faced further struggles while at war with the US.

Special Days Falling on December 30th

We know your sights will probably already be set on tomorrow. But, before you let today pass, take the time to consider why it is so important for so many people around the world!
A huge, spectacular firework display

National Resolution Day

We all try to have New Year’s Resolutions, and today is the perfect day to plan them! What would you like to achieve next year? They can be as big and bold or small as you like! As long as you try to achieve them, that’s all that matters.

Facts of the Philippines

Rizal Day

Rizal Day is an important national holiday in the Philippines, and it is celebrated on December 30th every year. The day commemorates the life and works of José Rizal. He was a national hero of the Filipino people, and today is the anniversary of his execution in 1896 at Bagumbayan, Manila.


Festival of Enormous Changes at the Last Minute

The Festival of Enormous Changes at the Last Minute takes place every December 30th. Although there are only two days left in the year, there is a world of possibility within these two days, and anything can happen, even big changes! So, take today to brace yourself – or, if you prefer, keep an open mind and embrace any changes that might pop up in your life before the year ends!

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit

This month in history

In 1993, the KGB (the Soviet Secret Police) organization was abolished by Russian President Boris Yeltsin. It was the end of an era for the way the country was run – though other operations have naturally taken the KGB’s place since.

Famous Birthdays on December 30th

Titus, Emperor of Rome, born 39 AD

Rudyard Kipling, English author, born 1865

Jeff Lynne, ELO frontman, born 1947

Tiger Woods, American golf legend, born 1975

LeBron James, American basketball legend, born 1984

facts about Capricorn

If you were born on December 30th


…you’re a Capricorn! You’re very organized, funny, and smart, but you can be a bit mean when someone gets on your bad side. That said, people enjoy having you around because you’re trustworthy, practical, and always know how to keep things grounded.


Head over to our Capricorn facts page to learn more – there’s just too much about you to squeeze into this little paragraph! If you’re exploring star signs for the first time, take this opportunity to dig deep into what makes you tick, and prepare for horoscopes for the year ahead.

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