
Are you fascinated with nature? Discover thousands of interesting and fun facts about the animals we share our planet with…

facts about the Polar Bear
5 Apr

13 Playful Facts About Polar Bears

Polar bears are some of the most inspiring animals in the world, but how much do you know about them? You’re about to find out some fun facts about polar bears to answer that in under 2 minutes… 1. Polar bears aren’t to be tangled with! Polar bears are the largest land-based carnivores in the …
facts about wolves
4 Apr

15 Wild Facts About Wolves

They’re ferocious, scary and wild, but just how much do you know about these four-legged carnivores? It’s time to put your years of wisdom to the test by taking a look at some of the most fun facts about wolves that scientists know… 1. There’s strength in numbers. The reason wolves hunt in packs is …
facts about tigers
4 Apr

16 Terrific Facts About Tigers

Tigers are viewed as some of the most ferocious, and yet majestic creatures on this planet. How well do you actually know this exotic animal? Here are some fun facts about tigers to test your knowledge! 1. Tigers are massive! Tigers are the largest of the wildcats, and males can weigh up to 300 kilograms. …
fun facts about Penguins
3 Apr

12 Priceless Facts About Penguins

Penguins look pretty cute and cuddly, yet they survive in some of the most inhospitable conditions known to man. How do they do it? It’s time we took a closer look and told you these fun facts about the Penguin: 1. Penguins are cleverer than you think! The penguin’s distinctive colour is actually a form …
facts about the new forest
2 Apr

14 Fantastic Facts About The New Forest

The New Forest National Park in Hampshire, is an area with a fascinating history.  It was created by the Norman King, William the Conqueror in 1079 and remains one of the largest and most popular tracts of unenclosed land in England. Thinking of visiting this green and pleasant district for this years staycation?  Here’s some …
interesting facts about Kangaroos
26 Mar

13 Knockout Facts About Kangaroos

Kangaroos are, of course, a popular symbol of wildlife down in Australia – and the country has gone all out in adopting the critter as one of their main attractions! Kangaroos are truly astonishing beasts, and certainly aren’t worth tangling with! Here are 13 fun facts about kangaroos, filling you in on what to expect …
facts about water
17 Mar

36 Whimsical Facts About Water

Water is one of the most important substances on Earth. It’s in all living things, whether they live at the bottom of the ocean or the driest desert. Life on Earth as we know it and cherish it today couldn’t be possible without water. Water is essential and it bounds together all living things in …
a huge African elephant
14 Mar

13 Extraordinary Facts About Elephants

They’re some of the biggest, most awe-inspiring creatures to ever walk the planet, but just how much do you really know about elephants? Put your trivia to the test by taking a look at these fun facts about elephants no one else will have told you before. 1. Elephants love mirrors. Elephants are so bright …
facts about dolphins
12 Mar

12 Fun Facts About Dolphins

Dolphins have got to be some of our best-loved animals.  Friendly, curious, and intelligent, these sea mammals are iconic to the seas and can be found all over the world. Think you know a lot about Flipper and his friends?  Check out these fun facts about dolphins that we’ve rounded up for you below. 1. …
fatcs about animals
10 Mar

15 Fun Facts About Animals Everyone Should Know

The world has over 10,000,000 different species of animal, which is more than any of us could ever hope to see in a lifetime. But don’t worry, we’ve found several fun facts about animals you need to know so that you can become a true expert without even leaving the house! 1. There are primates …
facts about reindeer
9 Mar

11 Fun Facts About Reindeer

Although reindeer do not fly (unfortunately), they do have red noses. They are part of the deer family, which includes elk, moose, and deer. Like other members of the family, reindeers have antlers, long legs, and hooves.  Want to learn more?  Sit back and enjoy these fun facts about Reindeer! 1. A reindeer never worries …
fun facts about Dogs
5 Mar

22 Fun Facts About Dogs That Will Melt Your Heart

‘Man’s best friend’, a common phrase used to describe domestic dogs, referring to their millennia-long history of close relations, loyalty, and companionship with humans. But dogs serve as more than companions, many earn their keep by working hard. Loyalty, unconditional love and selflessness are just a few of their amazing qualities! Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, but …
interesting facts about Coral Reefs
2 Mar

13 Colourful Facts About Coral Reefs

If you’ve never swum deep into the oceans before, you may not have come across gorgeous coral reefs.  These natural ‘sea forests’ are hugely important to the lives of millions of aquatic life swimming in and out of their various nooks and crannies. Sadly, they are under threat now more so than ever before.  Here …
facts about Monkeys
21 Feb

15 Cheeky Facts About Monkeys

Monkeys are, famously, some of the cheekiest beasts in the animal kingdom. What’s more, they are some of our closest relatives! Therefore, it’s hard not to see some of ourselves in their antics. But how much do you really think you know about these primates? The fact is, there are many different species – and …
lion facts
19 Feb

36 Interesting Facts About Lions

Lions are one of the most majestic and most fearsome creatures on the planet!  However, they are also often pretty misunderstood. How much do you really know about this apex predator?  It’s safe to say you probably shouldn’t get up too close to one – but there’s every reason why you’d want to learn more …
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