
Are you fascinated with nature? Discover thousands of interesting and fun facts about the animals we share our planet with…

rainbow 1909 1920
13 Jun

17 Revealing Facts About Rainbows

Rainbows disappear as quickly and as mysteriously as they appear. They are used as symbols for different causes and companies around the globe, and are seen as a symbol of health, happiness and honour. So how are these etherial optical effects formed and how do they disappear without a trace? What historic tales of leprechauns …
fun facts about rabbits
9 Jun

32 Remarkable Facts About Rabbits

What’s up, doc? You all remember the rabbit Bugs Bunny, one of the funniest animated cartoon characters! He’s fast, quick-witted, cool, funny, and even a little cruel, but only to his teasers. How about the real rabbits? What do we know about them? Rabbits are small mammals with cute fluffy, short tails, whiskers, and distinctive …
facts about cats
4 Jun

20 Interesting Facts About Cats

It’s no surprise that cats are some of the world’s favourite pets.  Alongside dogs, it’s very common to see a feline or two in homes across the UK, as well as in some of the furthest reaches of the globe.  But how much do we really know about our feisty felines? Cats have been around …
Fun Cat Facts
4 Jun

20 More Curious Facts About Cats

21. Black cats are symbols of luck. Black cats are seen as symbols of both good and bad luck. But to what extent?  It the USA, they are generally seen as bad luck or as symbols of foreboding.  However, in the UK, they are often considered lucky. 22. Some cliches are true! The old saying …
Fun Kitten Facts
4 Jun

15 Fascinating Facts About Cats – Part 3

41. Cats can heal themselves. Purring is thought to have healing properties, as well as to be comforting to cats. That’s because they purr at frequencies through which bones and muscles often heal themselves best. 42. Cats don’t meow to each other. Cats only tend to meow to their mothers during childhood, and to their …
facts about Horses
2 Jun

15 Stable Facts About Horses

They’re some of the cutest, most majestic creatures around, but how much do you really know about them? Perhaps it will blow your mind to learn there’s more than a dozen fun facts no one else has told you about them… 1. Horses have odd sleeping habits. Horses don’t just sleep lying down, they can …
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23 May

15 Turbulent Facts About Tornadoes

Tornadoes, twisters – you name them – are huge spirals of dangerous wind that often cause a lot of damage and can even prove fatal.  Many people love following tornadoes, as from a distance they can look amazing!  However, it’s probably best to try and keep a strong tornado at more than just arm’s length. …
interesting facts about Mosquitos
21 May

22 Not So Fun Facts About Mosquitoes

Everyone hates mosquitoes, right? Surely this fact cannot be disputed! Some scientists think that killing them would have an adverse effect on the ecosystem. But others believe that the world would be better off if the insects were completely eradicated. egardless of your opinion on this debate, you’re going to find these facts about mosquitoes …
fun facts about great barrier reef
11 May

11 Gripping Facts About The Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is on must-see lists for many people across the world due to its incredible corals and diverse sea-life. Before you head there, check out these fun facts about the Great Barrier Reef. 1. The Great Barrier Reef is a landmark down under. The Great Barrier Reef is located off the coast …
Facts about the Ring of Fire
10 May

15 Fun Facts About The Ring of Fire

No, not the Johnny Cash song – but the immense natural expanse of volcanic activity out in the Pacific Ocean! It’s fascinating – and devastating – to see just how much natural geological activity occurs out here. If there are earthquakes or volcanic eruptions in the Americas or in far east Asia, the blame is …
Facts about titanium
8 May

15 Terrific Facts About Titanium

Titanium may not be something you think you come across every day, but it’s an element that’s actually pretty prevalent in all kinds of things. You could be using titanium to make phone calls with, you could even be using it to help brush your teeth – it really is a resource that offers a …
facts about soil
6 May

15 Unearthed Facts About Soil

You might not think about soil too much unless you are a keen gardener! However, it’s likely to be more important than you think. After all, it’s home to many nutrients, millions of life forms, and is ultimately the base of the food chain. Soil really deserves more respect than it actually gets! In this …
Fun facts about volcanoes
1 May

15 Explosive Facts About Volcanoes

Isn’t the natural world fascinating? Volcanoes are some of the deadliest, most imposing yet most intriguing parts of our planet. They are enthralling to watch from afar, but when it comes to being within a safe range of a volcano, you’re going to need to be a few miles back! In this fact file, we’ll …
facts about pigs
26 Apr

30 Fun Facts About Pigs

Pigs are more than just sources of bacon!  If anything, they are some of the most interesting animals we share the planet with. More than just swill-guzzling pink porcines, these grunting geniuses may well surprise you.  Here are some fun facts about pigs which you may not be aware of… 1. Pigs are probably cleaner …
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15 Apr

15 Fun Facts About Pet Ownership That May Surprise You

Owning a pet comes with responsibility, but it also provides a lot of fun and happiness too. There are many things that we learn about our pets as they grow, but how much do we really know about them? Here’s a deeper look into the trials and tribulations of owning a pet that might surprise …