
Are you fascinated with nature? Discover thousands of interesting and fun facts about the animals we share our planet with…

Great White Shark
8 Sep

24 Snappy Facts About Great White Sharks

You’ve probably got the theme from ‘Jaws’ going through your head right now… the Great White Shark is a fearsome-looking beast, but it often gets an unfair reputation! To clue you up on these wild and wonderful marine creatures, here’s a bumper stack of interesting facts about Great White Sharks to see if we can …
fun facts about goats
8 Sep

15 Genius Facts About Goats

Goats are quirky creatures – often grouped in with sheep, llamas and other white and wooly grass-munchers, there is perhaps more to the humble goat than you might imagine! They have been a part of our domestic and farming lives for longer than we can remember. However, how much do you really know about the …
Basking shark
4 Sep

11 Barmy Facts About Basking Sharks

Basking sharks are enormous, though they aren’t exactly the huge, toothy creatures you’d imagine them to be. In fact, while they do have plenty of teeth, they don’t actually use them to eat, if at all. They have huge, gaping mouths, which they use to scoop up and swallow prey. They are known as filter …
fun facts about sea turtles
1 Sep

11 Sensational Facts About Sea Turtles

Sea turtles are some of the most majestic living things to ever grace our oceans.  But how much do we actually know about these graceful creatures?  They are some of the most closely-preserved animals on the planet, and are truly fascinating in their behavior – here’s some fascinating facts about sea turtles to help clue …
interesting facts about Magpies
30 Aug

17 Marvellous Facts About Magpies

Magpies are beautiful, intelligent, curious birds, and protective of their territory. But is that everything? There are many rumors and superstitions regarding magpies. For hundreds of years, people were so fearful of magpies in Europe that they were very nearly hunted to extinction. Luckily, before this happened Christianity spread that magpies were associated with good …
fun facts about sleep
30 Aug

13 Sound Facts About Sleeping

We all need to sleep! Our sleeping needs vary from person to person. And for something we all do, it’s fascinating to see that there are so many interesting bits of trivia surrounding how we sleep. Here’s a selection of fun facts about sleeping that might just surprise you. 1. Do you have monochromatic dreams? …
vintage tobacco advertising
28 Aug

20 Truthful Facts About Tobacco

Tobacco is the generic name of several plants belonging to the genus Nicotiana and the Solanaceae family.  It is the collective term esp. for Nicotiana tabacum and to a limited extent, Aztec Tobacco (N. Rustica). The plant is grown for its leaves, which are dried and fermented before being put in tobacco products. It contains …
interesting facts about Hippopotamuses
25 Aug

13 Hefty Facts About Hippos

A hippopotamus may look cute and cuddly, but there’s far more to these majestic beasts than meets the eye. Take a look at these fun facts about Hippos and you’ll never look at them the same way again. 1. What colour is a hippo, anyway? Hippopotamuses’ dark brown skin fades to pink underneath. 2. Hippos …
facts about snakes
25 Aug

12 Sassy Facts About Snakes

Everyone has a different opinion on these beautiful creatures (or slippery customers if that’s how you see them) but there’s a whole host of interesting facts few people know about snakes. That is until now! Take a look at the following 2-minute read to see what we’re talking about. 1. Great for snake haters! Ireland, …
fun facts about koala bears
24 Aug

14 Cute Facts About Koala Bears

Koala bears are some of the most fascinating mammals on the planet. A huge part of Australia’s unique ecosystem, they are often perceived to be cute, cuddly critters purely known for munching eucalyptus and climbing trees! However, there is more to the humble koala than you might think. In fact, we have enough fun facts …
fun facts about owls
23 Aug

17 Alluring Facts About Owls

Owls are some of the most fascinating birds of prey in the wild today – there are plenty of varieties, but the majority of them are truly unmistakable – those big eyes, that incredible swivelling head! The wise old owl is native to various continents, and it remains one of the most interesting avians easy …
Global Warming Facts
20 Aug

27 Alarming Facts About Global Warming

Global warming is a topic that still seems to be causing a bit of a stir. Scientific studies across the decades show that our planet is getting warmer. This not only means that our polar ice caps are at risk of melting, but it also means that we could be saying goodbye to many species …
fun facts about plants
15 Aug

19 Pleasing Facts About Plant Life

Plants are all around us – and we owe them a lot! We provide them with carbon dioxide, and they provide us with oxygen. It’s a two-way street! Therefore, the wild and wonderful world of plants is one which certainly demands our respect. There’s actually likely to be more about plants in terms of facts …
facts about silverback gorillas
15 Aug

12 Scintillating Facts About Silverback Gorillas

Also known as the Mountain Gorilla or the Eastern Lowland Gorilla, the Silverback Gorilla is a form of ape found in African mountain ranges. The population of Silverbacks are currently on a steady decline, and poachers are playing a major role in this. Here’s some interesting facts about Silverback gorillas that shows what incredible primates …
facts about peacocks
14 Aug

13 Proud Facts About Peacocks

Known for their stunning green and blue tail feathers, peacocks are beautiful and well-loved birds.  Here’s a few fun facts about peacocks that you may not know… 1. The peacock is an Indian symbol. The peacock has been the national bird of India since 1963. 2. It’s a gender-neutral name. The term Peacock is usually …