Facts about the Solar System

14 Super Facts About The Solar System

Is our Solar System the centre of the universe, a few grains of sand on an entire beach, or simply the very limit of what we know about space? Take a look at these 13 fun facts about the Solar System to answer those questions…

1. There’s a fiery moon out there.

Jupiter has a moon called Lo which is covered in volcanos.

2. Mars has an impressive peak.

However, the biggest volcano ever found is on Mars. It’s 16 miles high, which makes it three times higher than Mount Everest.

3. The winds don’t stop on Venus.

Venus is constantly in the midst of a planet-wide hurricane.

a mechanical solar system model

4. Mars is probably colder than you think.

Mars has ice at both of its poles.

5. Venus too, actually.

Craters on Venus can be seen that are full of ice.

6. We’re exploring as much as we can.

We’ve already sent spacecraft to every planet in the solar system.

7. We’ve not been to our own Moon for a while.

The last man to walk on the Moon was the commander of Apollo 17, Eugene Cernan.

Man hasn’t returned to the Moon since 14th December 1972 – that’s nearly 50 years ago!

8. Mercury and Earth share a lot in common.

Mercury has tectonic plates that behave much like those on Earth.

9. Pluto’s atmosphere is bizarre.

For some reason the atmosphere on Pluto is 1,000 miles thick!

Photo of Earth, taken from the Moon!

10. Saturn doesn’t hold all the rings.

It’s not just Saturn that’s blessed with rings — we’ve found plenty of asteroids with them too!

11. Take an umbrella with you to Jupiter…

Jupiter’s Great Spot is thought to be one of the largest, most violent storms in the solar system. It has however halved in size over the last 400 years.

12. Neptune is really bubbling away.

Neptune gives off more energy than it receives from the Sun.

Cross sections of our Planets

13. Jupiter is indescribably large.

Jupiter is 317 times larger than Earth!

14. There’s a ‘junk moon’ far out in the solar system.

Miranda, Uranus’s moon, is thought to be several large pieces of debris joined together.

FAQs about The Solar System

What are the planets of the solar system?

The currently recognised planets of the solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Pluto used to be classed as a planet, but is now officially designated as a dwarf.

What is the hottest planet in the solar system?

While it is not closest to the Sun, Venus is the hottest planet thanks to its incredibly dense atmosphere.

Is Saturn a cold planet?

Yes - Saturn is a very cold planet - it averages temperatures of -288 degrees F

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit

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