Harare, Zimbabwe

16 Heavenly Facts About Harare

Like to know a little more about the capital cities of the world? Take a look at these 16 fun facts about Harare!

Geographical stats…

  1. Harare is the capital city of Zimbabwe.
  2. The city was actually known as Salisbury until 1982, when the name was changed to Harare.
  3. The total land area of Harare is 371 square miles (961 square kilometres)…
  4. …that’s almost 5 times the size of Liverpool.
Flag of Zimbabwe
Flag of Zimbabwe
  1. Harare’s population was 1,501,000 in 2015…
  2. …that’s almost double the population of Liverpool!
  3. That gives it a population density of around 4,046 residents per square mile, compared to around 11,222 per square mile in Liverpool!
  1. Harare is located 4,890ft above sea level.
  2. Residents of Harare are known as Harareans.
  3. Harareans enjoy a subtropical highland climate with three main seasons (warm & wet, cool & dry and hot & dry) and an average annual temperature of 17.95°C.

a lion in the bush near Harare, Zimbabwe

  1. Looking to fly yourself to Harare? You’ll need the coordinates of 17.8639° S, 31.0297° E.
  2. Make sure you visit Wild is Life if you’re in Harare; it’s an animal sanctuary for injured, orphaned and rescued wildlife which also protects endangered and specially protected species, where you can see lions, giraffes, zebras, elephants, monkeys and much, much more!

Social intricacies

  1. Zimbabwe actually has 16 official languages, but Shona, Sindebele and English are most commonly spoken in Harare.

facts about Harare

  1. Amazingly, Zimbabwe has 8 different currencies in circulation, but the US Dollar is most commonly used in this city.
  2. Zimbabwe welcomed 1,880,028 tourists into the country in 2014, with many choosing to visit the beautiful city of Harare.
  3. Whilst it’s possible to choose from many different cuisines in Harare, traditional food is making a comeback, with delicious chicken, beef and fish dishes gracing many menus.

Do you know any interesting facts about Harare? Share them in the comments below!

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