interesting facts about Greece

14 Glorious Facts About Greece

Often called the cradle of western civilisation, Greece is known for its countless islands, ancient ruins and fantastic Mediterranean produce.  Whether you hail from this stunning country or you’re looking to travel here, brush up on your local knowledge with these 14 fun facts about Greece!

1. Greece has lots of connections.

Greece is an ancient country in Southeastern Europe.

It is bordered by Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania to the north. It also has a coastline along the Aegean Sea to the west, the Mediterranean Sea to the south and the Ionian Sea to the west.

2. Greece has plenty of empty land.

There are 6,000 Greek islands, but only 227 of these are inhabited.

3. It’s really easy to call Greece, and even easier to find it.

Want to call your friends in Greece?  You’ll need to use the international dialling code +30.

The coordinates for Greece are 39.0000° N, 22.0000°

Flag of Greece
The Greek Flag

4. Greece is a mountain nation.

The terrain here is mostly mountainous on the mainland, with many smaller islands dotted throughout the three seas that border Greece; because of this it boasts some incredible beaches and coastline.

5. Greece is pretty much beach country.

In fact, you’re never more than 85 miles from the coast in Greece!

The total land area of Greece is 50,949 square miles (131,957 square kilometres).

6. Fewer people live here than you might think!

Greece’s population was 10.72 million in 2020.

Did you know that the amount of tourists visiting Greece’s shores totals more than the number of residents… that’s a lot!

7. Greece has an ancient capital.

The capital is Athens which just so happens to be one of the oldest cities in the world! It covers an area of 15 square miles (39 square kilometres) and has a population of 664,046 (2011).

8. Life expectancy in Greece is fantastic.

The average life span here is a very healthy 81.79 years (2018).

9. Greece is sweltering!

The residents of Greece enjoy a temperate climate with mild, wet winters and lovely hot, dry summers.

In fact, Greece experiences more than 250 days of sunshine each year! Lucky so-and-so’s!

Acropolis, Athens, Greece
Acropolis, Athens, Greece

10. Greece exports lots of cheese!

Famous for its delicious food, Greek’s national cheese is Feta, which is enjoyed in many countries around the world.

11. Greek people have intriguing celebrations.

Did you know, Greeks often celebrate the ‘name day’ of the saint that bears their name more than their own birthday?

12. Greece’s language is truly OLD.

The official language of Greece is, rather unsurprisingly… Greek.

Greek is actually one of the oldest languages in Europe, having been spoken for more than 3,000 years.

Asos, Greece
Asos, Greece

13. All citizens need to make their voices heard.

Voting is required by law for all Greek residents aged 18 or older.

14. Greece has a varied trade presence.

Greece grows corn, wheat, barley and sugar beets and rears cattle.

Its industry consists of tourism, food and tobacco processing, textiles and chemicals.

Greece also exports manufactured goods, food and beverages, petroleum products and chemicals.

FAQs about Greece

Is Greece safe to visit?

Greece is generally very safe to visit, however, do keep a close eye on your possessions while out and about.

Is Greece expensive to visit?

On the whole, Greece is quite inexpensive compared to other countries in Europe - you might be surprised!

Does it snow in Greece?

Greece does occasionally get snow - in fact, the mountains are normally snow-capped.

Do you know any fun facts about Greece?  Share them in the comments below!

Are you fascinated with all things Greek?  Check out these interesting facts about Apollo, the Greek God

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