Facts About Cellulite

10 Facts About Cellulite That Might Just Surprise You

Cellulite is inevitable. Approximately 85 percent of women over 20 years of age have some degree of cellulite. The older we get, the more cellulite we get. It pops up on the skin in a cottage cheese-like appearance that can make anyone feel self-conscious. But remember, cellulite is normal and natural.

What is Cellulite anyway?

Cellulite is normal fat underneath your skin. It involves fibrous connected cords that tether your skin to the underlying muscles. Fat lies in between these cords. As fat builds up, they push up against the skin while the cords pull down. This creates the dimples we know as cellulite.

Methods to Eliminate Cellulite

You can’t completely eradicate cellulite but it’s possible to reduce its appearance. There are a variety of treatment options ranging from DIY products to in-clinic procedures. The treatments work by stimulating new collagen production, decreasing fat, or improving circulation and lymphatic drainage.

Here are the methods to reduce cellulite:

  • Creams that contain caffeine or aminophylline dehydrate fat cells in the skin and shrink cellulite such as Maelys B-Flat cream. Maelys B-Flat reviews indicate that caffeine has a significant effect on reducing the appearance of cellulite.
  • Lymphatic drainage massage.
  • Laser and different vacuum devices can be used to break up the bands that make cellulite visible.
  • A low-temperature device destroys fat cells, which is called Cryolipolysis.
  • Biostimulation injectable fillers have been shown to reduce dimples.

10 Facts About Cellulite

Now that you know a little bit about cellulite, here’s 10 facts that might surprise you:

1. You Can Still Have Cellulite Even If You’re Skinny

While being overweight does make the appearance of cellulite more visible, it doesn’t mean that it won’t happen to women of different shapes and sizes. It can appear on anyone due to environmental and genetic factors.

2. Cellulite May Be Genetic

If your mom used to have cellulite, you have a higher chance of developing it. Your metabolism, distribution of fat under your skin, ethnicity, and circulatory system can affect the way your body produces cellulite.

3. It’s More Common In Women

About 85 percent of women suffer from cellulite, but only 10 percent of men do. What’s going on here? Women have structural differences in their fat compared to men. A study suggests that women have larger fat lobules with fewer collagen. Women also have weaker dermis. This combination means more cellulite with less skin tightness when compared to men. Scientists also discovered that the higher a woman’s BMI, the bigger her superficial fat lobules were.

4. Hormones Affect The Production Of Cellulite

Estrogen, insulin, TSH, and prolactin are some of the hormones that contribute to cellulite formation. Estrogen, in particular, has been shown to influence the development of cellulite. A study found that reduced estrogen caused a decrease in blood flow to the connective tissue and increased fluid retention around the skin in menopausal women. This is especially true during the onset of menopause when cellulite production seems to increase.

5. Cardio Won’t Make Cellulite Disappear

Running, cycling, HITT, and other forms of cardio can help keep weight off. These may improve the appearance of cellulite but won’t effectively reduce it. However, training could still be a way on how to get rid of cellulite

6. Strength Training May Get Rid Of Cellulite

While just doing cardio may not help reduce cellulite, strength training may. A study conducted by the South Shore YMCA in Quincy found that adults who did a 30-minute aerobics workout for 8 weeks lost four pounds but gained no muscles. When they paired 15 minutes of cardio with 15 minutes of strength training three times a week, the results were incredible. Participants lost 10 pounds of fat, added 2 pounds of muscles, and saw an overall improvement in their body composition. They were able to lose the jiggle.


7. UV Rays Can Worsen The Appearance Of Cellulite

Sun exposure can worsen the appearance of cellulite. UV rays are not only damaging to the body but can also increase the appearance of cellulite. It’s certainly not a way on how to get rid of cellulite. However, applying sunscreen will protect your skin and increase its ability to produce collagen.

8. Certain Foods Can Help Fight Cellulite

A diet heavy in fat, sugar, carbohydrates, and salt can impact the severity of cellulite. A well-balanced diet or plant-based diet can reduce inflammation throughout your body and help you maintain a desirable weight. Also, hydration can keep your connective tissues elastic and plump.

9. Non-Invasive Procedures For Cellulite Do Work

Treatments such as laser, radiofrequency, and various massage techniques can temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Over-the-counter creams can also help. Look for products that contain caffeine. This component stimulates flow and temporality shrinks blood cells. Maelys B-Flat cream is an example of these creams. Also, Maelys B-Flat reviews have been mostly positive.

Cellulite massage techniques

10. Say No To Liposuction

This procedure is no longer recommended as it can cause uneven distribution of fat cells and make dimples more prominent.

Final Thoughts

There’s no long-term solution… yet.

While scientists are getting better at finding a long-term solution to treat cellulite, there’s still no permanent solution. Combining multiple solutions and tailoring the treatment to your own body’s needs is the best way to fight cellulite. At the end of the day, remember that cellulite is normal and a part of our aging bodies. Accepting it is half the battle.

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