Vegan fun facts

michelle francisca lee 28K hb0r sM unsplash
30 Jan

12 Striking Facts About Sunflowers

Sunflowers are one of the best-loved blooms on the planet. They are a sign of happiness and that warm weather is on the way! Of course, they are often the subjects of many paintings and photos, too. But how much do you really know about the humble sunflower? It’s time to check out these fun …
Facts about Vegan Diets
15 Oct

25 Fun Facts About The Vegan Diet

The vegan diet has become very popular. More and more people are choosing to go vegan for various reasons. They usually range from ethics to environmental concerns, or just from a desire to improve one’s health. When done right, such a diet may result in many health benefits, including a trimmer waistline and improved blood …
facts about growing vegetables
28 Sep

9 Top Facts About Growing Vegetables

Ever thought about trying to grow your own food? It can be fantastic fun – and what’s more, it’s easier than you think to get started. Growing veggies is a great way to teach kids how the world of food production works, and if you worry about how many chemicals and preservatives make their way …
fun facts about rice
25 Sep

18 Remarkable Facts About Rice

Rice is a hugely popular foodstuff. Often combined with Eastern cuisine, it is a simple crop which can be eaten as part of sweet and savoury dishes alike. Therefore, it’s seen as incredibly versatile. There are plenty of different varieties, and it’s perfectly possible to change the flavour of rice to your own specifications as …
nutrition facts on olive oil
18 Sep

12 Nutrition Facts About Olive Oil

There are thousands of ways for you to cook and fry food. Some people use butter, others use lard. However, many people choose to go a healthier route altogether, and to use oils. One of the most popular cooking oils is derived from olives. But what is it about olive oil that makes it so …
fresh corn in the field
14 Sep

10 Fun Facts About Corn

Corn! You probably think of it as a delicious summer side, or as the source for your popcorn at the cinema. Indeed, if those were the only purposes corn served it would be a glorious staple of the human diet. In actuality though, corn is a bizarrely fascinating resource even beyond its appeal to people …
Nutrition Facts about Almonds
5 Sep

10 Nutty Facts About Almonds

There’s so many diet trends out there that it can be hard to know which way to look. What do we do? We blow your mind with stunning facts, that’s what… Here’s some fantastic nutrition facts about almonds! 1. Almonds grow under very specific conditions. Almonds are only grown when it’s hot in the summer…and …
facts about healthy eating
4 Sep

21 Wholesome Facts About Healthy Eating

Would you like to feel great, have more energy, improve your health, and boost your mood? If you do, then healthy eating is your answer! A healthy nutritious diet can boost your immune system and help fight off virus and disease. Eating a healthy diet is not about severe restrictions, depriving yourself of the foods …
nutrition facts about mushrooms
17 Aug

10 Magical Facts About Mushroom Nutrition

Mushrooms are part of the fungi family and are a low calorie, high fibre food choice that can be enjoyed as part of many healthy dishes. Here are 11 interesting facts about mushrooms nutrition to help clue you in… 1. Mushrooms are really good for you! Mushrooms contain B vitamins such as folate riboflavin, thiamine …
Facts about vegetables
27 Jul

36 Nutritious Facts About Vegetables

Vegetables are one of nature’s greatest gifts! Vegetables are a valuable protective food essential for the prevention of diseases and maintenance of health. With the help of these miracle workers and a bit of discipline, we can reach a perfectly well-balanced diet. Rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals, and packed with crucial immune-boosting antioxidants, vegetables are the real …
big banana facts
26 Jul

30 Bonkers Nutrition Facts About Bananas

Bananas are some of the most popular fruit consumed all over the world. These curious yellow growths are sweet and juicy when ripe and are one of the most convenient fruits to peel and eat. Many people enjoy them on the go as well as at work, simply because it’s easy to be able to …
Nutrition Facts about Oranges
24 Jul

12 Juicy Facts About Oranges Nutrition

Oranges are not the only fruit, but they are certainly some of the tastiest around.  One of the main things you need to keep in mind about fruit, of course, is the fact that it is full of sugar!  Natural sugars, certainly – but at the same time, even though oranges are healthy, it’s wise …
avocados halves
11 Apr

31 Fun Facts About Avocado

The avocado is a fruit that’s taken on a life of its own in recent years. It’s become a modern icon – a once-obscure fruit that’s making its way into more and more dishes, drinks and medical supplements. It’s also a fruit that’s associated with the millennial generation, and one which has received ‘superfood’ status …