Tutankhamun fun facts

facts about ancient egypt
2 Sep

11 Enticing Facts About Ancient Egypt

We’ve all seen the Pyramids, heard about the Sphinx and read about the mummies, but what do you find when you scratch beneath the surface? You’re about to find out with these 11 fun facts about Ancient Egypt you won’t have learned at school… 1. Ancient Egyptians cared deeply about looking good! Makeup was popular …
Interesting facts about Egypt
29 Aug

16 Fun Facts About Egypt

Tombs, shrines and pyramids – there’s litreally thousands of years of incredible history on offer in Egypt.  Here’s some enlightening and fun facts about Egypt for you to discover… 1. Where even is Egypt? Bordered partly by the Mediterranean and Red Sea, Egypt borders Africa and the Middle East, sitting between the Gaza Strip, Israel, …
facts about King Tut
19 Jun

11 Incredible Facts About King Tutankhamen

Looking to increase your knowledge on the ancient Egyptian pharaohs? Check out these 11 interesting facts about Tutankhamen, arguably the most famous pharaoh of all. 1. King Tut died young. Tutankhamun died at just 18 and is widely believed to have been quite unwell for most of his life. 2. He really wasn’t well when he passed. …