Movies fun facts

horror header
1 Nov

10 Terrifying Facts about Horror Movies Based on True Stories

Horror movies have long been popular and with good reason! Stories of intrigue, fear, mystery, and more captivate audiences all over the world. But, there is no denying that some of the most famous and popular horror movies are those based on real-life events. After all, what could be more terrifying than knowing that some …
Batman header
6 Sep

10 Brilliant Facts About Batman

Batman is easily one of the most famous superheroes of all time. The Dark Knight made his way into our hearts via comic books and has continued to delight us with his adventures ever since in films, tv shows, and more. But how much do you know about the hero of Gotham? Here are some …
Walt Disney
2 Jan

13 Wonderous Facts about Walt Disney

Who hasn’t heard of Walt Disney? The world-famous artist and animator set up his studio in the 1920s, facing all kinds of hurdles and obstacles on his way to global success. Today, many years after his passing, the name Disney is synonymous with fantastic animated movies and wonderful theme parks. Here are some fun facts …
facts about the BBC
24 Apr

11 Brilliant Facts About The BBC

The BBC – otherwise known as the British Broadcasting Company – is one of the oldest and longest-standing broadcasting enterprises still standing. For around a century, the company and its network of programming, from TV to radio and digital formats, has entertained millions around the world – not just on home soil! The Beeb, or …
Fun facts about Harry Potter
12 Feb

15 Wizard Facts About Harry Potter

JK Rowling’s Wizarding World, home to the bespectacled boy wizard Harry Potter, is a worldwide phenomenon. The author wrote seven books on Potter’s adventures, with an ever-expanding world and universe having extended online, and into the world of cinema. The Harry Potter books and movies are some of the most beloved of all time – …
fun facts about Hollywood
6 Nov

11 Hidden Facts About Hollywood

Hollywood is widely known as the heart of the cinema industry. It is here where the majority of big blockbuster movies are born, and where you will find plenty of interesting tours and film studios. However, there is likely to be plenty about Hollywood that you might not already know! Therefore, let’s take a run …
8 Oct

21 Heroic Facts About Superman

Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird, it’s a plane! It’s Superman! We all know and love the iconic comic book superhero, Superman – ‘The Man of Steel’. What’s not to love? He’s got amazing powers that he uses to help those in need, believing in truth and justice for all. For decades these …
Storm Troopers, Star Wars
13 Apr

17 Out Of This World Facts About Star Wars

Love it or hate it, Star Wars is a movie franchise that’s grown beyond its humble origins.  The original space opera has amassed billions of dollars over the years, thanks not only to ticket sales but also merchandising, toys, TV shows and more.  There is clearly something about this saga that speaks to the wider …
James Bond 007 Facts
31 Mar

26 Brilliant James Bond Facts

James Bond has the honour of being the world’s most famous fictional spy. The James Bond franchise is one of the most successful the world has ever seen, having accumulated more than $7 billion in ticket sales. If you’re a fan, you’ll love these James Bond facts: 1. Bond’s journey to the big screen took …
horror movies based on true stories
4 Aug

10 Horror Movies Based on True Stories

Horror movies aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, true – but to those who like chills, thrills, and the odd bit of gore, they can be a fantastic source of escapism. It certainly helps if you are not easily spooked, of course, and if you have a strong stomach, that’s also likely to be a bonus. …