Egyptian mythology fun facts

amun header
30 Nov

10 Astonishing Facts about Amun, Egyptian God of the Air

Egyptian mythology is seemingly endless – teeming with fantastic deities and tales that people still follow to this day. One of the most important gods to arise from Egyptian legend is that of Amun, otherwise known as the god of the air. He was worshiped nationally across Egypt – making him one of the most …
anubis header
29 Nov

9 Guiding Facts about Anubis, the Egyptian God

Of all the gods and goddesses in Egyptian lore, Anubis is perhaps one of the most recognizable. He had a pivotal role in helping mortal souls transfer to the land of the dead – and as such, was revered for being extremely powerful and influential. But how much do you really know about the god …
Seth header
1 Sep

10 Set-in-Stone Facts About the Egyptian God Seth

Among the many Egyptian Gods, Seth is easily one of the most famous, even if many people are unsure how to pronounce his name! But, who is Seth? What was his power? And, why was he so worshipped? Here are some fun facts about the Egyptian God Seth that might come in handy at the …
Horus header
31 Aug

10 Honourable Facts About the Egyptian God Horus

Egyptian mythology remains some of the most fascinating ever recorded. Beyond their ancient encryptions in pyramids and tombs, the people of Egypt also worshipped a variety of curious Gods and deities that still capture our imagination even now. One of the most notable was Horus – but how much do you know about this Egyptian …
Osiris header
30 Aug

10 Observant Facts about the Egyptian God Osiris

If you know anything about Egyptian mythology, the chances are that you have already heard of the God Osiris. Osiris is connected to the mysteries of what happens to us all when we pass away. But how much else do you know about this revered legend? Here are some fun facts about Osiris. 1. Osiris …