Egyptian mythology remains some of the most fascinating ever recorded. Beyond their ancient encryptions in pyramids and tombs, the people of Egypt also worshipped a variety of curious Gods and deities that still capture our imagination even now. One of the most notable was Horus – but how much do you know about this Egyptian legend? Here are some fun facts about the Egyptian God Horus.
1. Horus played a big role in connecting the land and the air.
He was often depicted as a falcon-headed god, symbolizing his connection to the sky and his role as a sky god.
2. Horus was a multi-faceted God and deity in many different ways.
Horus’ legacy changed and evolved over time. He became associated with several different concepts. For example, he was known as the God of the sky, kingship, and protection. He was also often depicted as a divine falcon.
3. He was the son of Osiris, the God of the afterlife.
If you’ve never heard of Horus, the chances are that you have heard of his parents! Horus was believed the son of Osiris and Isis, two other prominent deities in Egyptian mythology. His birth was a result of the efforts of Isis to resurrect Osiris after his murder by Set.

4. His symbol became well-known throughout Egypt.
Horus’ eye, also known as the “Eye of Horus,” was a powerful symbol in ancient Egyptian culture. It represented protection, healing, and restoration and was often used in amulets and jewellery. You’ve probably heard more about Horus’ eye more than the rest of his body put together!
5. Horus famously fought his uncle.
One of the most famous stories from the mythology of Horus was his conflict with Set (or Seth), his uncle, who had murdered his father, Osiris. The struggle between Horus and Set symbolized the battle between order and chaos.
6. Horus was a regal figure with an impressive beak to match.
Horus was often depicted with a human body and a falcon head, combining the attributes of both. Sometimes, he was shown as a falcon wearing a crown. Another famous Egyptian God, Thoth, typically has the head of an Ibis in his depictions. Animal heads were common among Egyptian Gods!
7. The living Horus is linked to pharaohs.
The concept of the “living Horus” was tied to the pharaoh, the king of Egypt. Pharaohs were believed to be the earthly incarnations of Horus and were responsible for upholding Ma’at, the cosmic order.
8. He was worshipped in different ways throughout the day.
Strangely, Horus was worshiped in various forms and represented different phases of the Sun’s journey across the sky. For example, he was often referred to as “Horus the Elder” (Haroeris) during the day and “Horus the Younger” (Harpocrates) during the night.

9. Horus is also associated with the Wadjet.
The Wadjet, or “Udjat” eye, often associated with Horus, is a symbol of protection and divine power. It is represented as an eye with stylized markings, mimicking the markings of a falcon.
10. Pharaohs commonly used Horus to demonstrate their power.
Egyptian pharaohs often linked themselves to Horus to legitimize their rule and assert their divine right to kingship. The pharaoh was considered the Earthly manifestation of Horus, ensuring a continuous cycle of kingship and divine authority.

FAQs about the Egyptian God Horus
Is Horus the ruler of the Gods?
Horus was indeed linked to the idea of a title of kingship. He was believed to be the first divine king of Egypt. That’s why you frequently see Horus wearing a crown in many ancient depictions.
Was Horus good or bad?
Horus could not be defined as being either good or bad. He was mostly seen as being benevolent; however, he was above being good or evil. Many worshipped him as such, regardless of his affiliations.
What zodiac is Horus?
Horus represents the eighth sign in Egyptian astrology. Therefore, he is associated with Libra, the scales. This makes sense in that it shows Horus was a balanced God.
Further reading
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