The latest facts from Fact City

helium header
4 Oct

11 High-Flying Facts About Helium

When many of us think of helium, we tend to think of a “funny” gas used to blow up party balloons and make our friends sound like chipmunks! However, helium is a very powerful gas that shouldn’t be played with irresponsibly! Here are some fun facts about helium you’ll want to remember. 1. It is …
National Farm Animals Day
4 Oct

On This Day – October 4th

For many of us, October is the month of skeletons, witches, and Jack O’Lanterns. But, this October 4th, we think we should all also focus on the important things that take place on this date and have changed societal history for good! Here are some of the most important things to know about October 4th, …
Nitrogen header
3 Oct

10 Nifty Facts About Nitrogen

Abundant and a vital part of all our lives, nitrogen is an element that keeps all life on Earth… well, living! Like other gases in the periodic table, nitrogen has more than a few interesting features that continue to fascinate us – even if we can’t see it!! But how much do you know about …
Mount Rushmore
3 Oct

On This Day – October 3rd

By October 3rd, the northern hemisphere air already smells like fall, your cup should be filled with something cinnamon-y, and scarves should be everywhere! And, while you’re warm and cozy, here are some of the most interesting facts to know about October 3rd – if today’s already a special day for you, many happy returns! …
Magnesium header
2 Oct

13 Magical Facts about Magnesium

When we think of magnesium, many of us tend to think about nutrition and supplements – however, it’s more than just an addition to our daily intake. What is magnesium, why is it important, and where can we find it? Let’s find out with some fun facts about magnesium that might surprise you. 1. It …
Guardian Angel Day
2 Oct

On This Day – October 2nd

This October 2nd, we think you should focus more on the day than the Halloween festivities and cold nights ahead. Believe it or not, today’s pretty important for lots of reasons – historically and culturally. Here are some of the most important things to know about October 2nd, and congratulations if you’re already celebrating today.
Stanford University
1 Oct

On This Day – October 1st

By October 1st, many of us in the northern hemisphere are already decorating our homes for Halloween, hollowing out the pumpkins, and hanging the cobwebs all around! It’s the first day of the month for tricks and treats! And, we have the perfect treat for you right here. Here are some of the most fascinating …
Orion Nebula
30 Sep

On This Day – September 30th

So, you’ve made it to the end of the month and are one step closer to those Halloween holidays! But before you rush into October, take the time to consider what makes September 30th so special! Here are some of the most important things to know about September 30th.
Silicon light
29 Sep

11 Superb Facts about Silicon

Silicon may not be as well-known by the masses as oxygen or helium, but it is one of the most important elements on the planet. But why is this? What is silicon, and what do we use it for? You’ve probably heard of silicon chips and Silicon Valley – but here at Fact City, we …
29 Sep

On This Day – September 29th

September 29th is no ordinary day. In fact, if history has shown us anything, it’s that it is a day on which anything can happen! Today might be a big occasion for you at home, but elsewhere in the world, there are plenty more reasons to celebrate. Here are some of the most interesting things …
The New York Subway header
28 Sep

10 Sublime Facts about the New York Subway

When you think of New York City, you probably tend to think of yellow taxi cabs, Broadway, Times Square, and the iconic New York subway. This transportation system is used by millions of people every day, and connects everyone in the whole city. But, how much do you know about this system? Here are some …
International Poke Day
28 Sep

On This Day – September 28th

For those of us in the upper hemisphere, the year is starting to cool down – but in the lower half of the globe, things are really heating up! Regardless of where you live in the world, it’s not hard to see why September 28th is such an important date to mark on the calendar. …