The latest facts from Fact City

horror header
1 Nov

10 Terrifying Facts about Horror Movies Based on True Stories

Horror movies have long been popular and with good reason! Stories of intrigue, fear, mystery, and more captivate audiences all over the world. But, there is no denying that some of the most famous and popular horror movies are those based on real-life events. After all, what could be more terrifying than knowing that some …
All Saints Day, Spain
1 Nov

On This Day – November 1st

Yes – believe it or not, we’re at the very start of November. Where has the year gone, seriously? November 1st brings with it some post-Halloween chills and longer nights for those of us in the upper hemisphere, and as always, there are a few facts and figures you’ll want to know if you’re celebrating …
buckinghamshire header
31 Oct

9 Blissful Facts about Buckinghamshire

Buckinghamshire is more than “just another county” in the heart of England – it’s well-known for its amazing historic gardens, its tunnel systems, and acres of National Trust land. It’s therefore perfect for anyone looking for a vacation to take them back in time or deep into the heart of true nature. Here are some …
Facts about October 31st
31 Oct

On This Day – October 31st

For those of us in the West, Halloween is finally here – and it often marks the start of the holiday season for those of us in the US. However, there’s actually a little bit more to October 31st than just pumpkin carving and spooky treats. Let’s take a look at a few key reasons …
batteries header
30 Oct

10 Powerful Facts about Batteries

We all use batteries on most days! From our TV remotes and toys to smoke detectors and even our car keys, it’s hard to deny how useful these portable power providers have become over the decades. Batteries effectively let us take electricity on the move – something millions of us take for granted if you …
interesting facts about cats
30 Oct

On This Day – October 30th

It’s the day before Halloween, and we know you’ve got plenty on your mind! Remember to get the candy, get your costume ready, and start carving those pumpkins! But before you do, don’t let October 30th be the Robin to Halloween’s Batman! After all, this day has a lot of very special things hidden beneath …
human brain
29 Oct

On This Day – October 29th

October 29th is easily one of our favourite days of the year. But why is that? As it happens, October 29th is more than just another date leading up to the holiday season. Happy birthday if you’re celebrating today, and in the meantime, here are some of the most important things to know about October …
28 Oct

On This Day – October 28th

October 28th is just another fall day, right? Think again. Today’s a great day to look back at some of the most fascinating moments of societal history, and if you’re marking a birthday today, it’s also a great chance to see which famous people you share your special day with! Keep reading, and we’ll guide …
charles dickens header
27 Oct

10 Story-Filled Facts About Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens is by far one of the most famous and influential authors of all time. His stories are still being told today and have been adapted to big and small screens time and time again – by people and Muppets alike. But how much do you know about the man they called Boz? Here …
Audiovisual Heritage
27 Oct

On This Day – October 27th

October 27th takes us closer toward the end of October, and for fans of trick-or-treating in the West, we’re one day closer to Halloween. However, there’s lots to look forward to on October 27th – and if you’re already celebrating today, now’s the chance to celebrate even more with some fantastic facts. We’ll also spill …
interesting facts about 2000s
26 Oct

On This Day – October 26th

October 26th is more than just another stepping stone on the way toward Halloween here in the West. It’s a big day for all kinds of historical events, and it’s also very popular with Scorpios, too. In this guide, we’ll take you through some of the most popular and important events that took place on …
Ohio header
26 Oct

11 Outstanding Facts about Ohio

Ever took a trip out to explore Ohio before? Famous for providing the US with multiple Presidents, its rock and roll history, and its incredible Great Lake views, Ohio’s a state that proves popular with both visitors and citizens from city to city. If you’re looking to learn more about some US states, our fun …