On This Day - September 4th
September 4th is bound to be a pretty special day for many of you out there, and as it happens, there are a few historical events and occasions worth marking, too. If you've ever wondered which famous people you share a birthday with or want to know more about national holidays on September 4th, you're in the right place – we’ve done all the digging around for you.
On this day

The Western Roman Empire came to an end.
In 476, following the invasion of Rome by forces under Odoacer, the last Western Roman Emperor, Romulus Augustulus, abdicated the throne. The event is considered to mark the End of the Western Roman Empire – however, their legacy can certainly be seen to this day (look at our roads, for example!).

France gained a new republic.
In 1870, following his defeat by Prussia at Sedan, the French people overthrew Emperor
Napoleon III. They proclaimed the Third French Republic – the latest in a long line of dramatic events across French military history.

The light bulb was put to the test!
In 1882, Thomas Edison’s lightbulb was used to light up Pearl Street Station in New York. It was the groundbreaking invention’s first large-scale test! Edison is known for many more inventions, too, such as the motion camera and the gramophone.

Beatrix Potter made a classic contribution to children’s literature.
In 1893, Beatrix Potter wrote a story for a five-year-old boy that would go on to become a childhood favorite for people all over the world. The story was, of course, Peter Rabbit. Her collection of 23 Tales has reportedly sold more than a total of 250 million copies across the world.

Special Days Falling on September 4th
As important as it is to look at our history, it is just as important to consider our present. And today marks a very special day for people around the world. Here are some of the most important events taking place today.
National Wildlife Day
Today, in the US, people around the country are taking the time to honor the nation’s diverse wildlife. The US is famous for its varying landscapes, ecosystems, fauna, and flora. It is important that all that nature has to offer is respected every day of the year, but today is the perfect day to honor it. Take a moment and step out in nature if you can.

National Macadamia Nut Day
September 4th is also an opportunity to celebrate something else that the natural world gives us; macadamia nuts! These crunchy little gems originally come from Australia, although today, they are enjoyed all over the world. They have a unique taste, great nutritional benefits and can go with pretty much any meal or snack! So, if you're not allergic, get your fill of macadamia nuts today!

Eat An Extra Dessert Day
For many of us, the best part of any meal is, of course, the dessert. That something sweet at the end marks a mini celebration of the meal and leaves us feeling full and happy. On Eat An Extra Dessert Day, you are encouraged to try more – within reason!
This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit