On This Day - September 14th
September 14th is a very important date for various cultures and people worldwide – and, yes, that includes you, too! If you're here because you're celebrating a special day and want to know more about September 14th, congratulations! And, you're certainly in the right place – because here are some of the most important things to know about September 14th.
On this day

Francis Scott Key found musical inspiration for an American classic.
Most of us know the song The Star-Spangled Banner – but did you know it celebrates its birthday on September 14th? It was on this date back in 1814 that Francis Scott Key started to write the song, following a British attack upon Fort McHenry.

Medical history was made in Washington, D.C.
In 1936, America's first-ever frontal lobotomy was performed at George Washington University Hospital in Washington, D.C. James Watts and Walter Freeman performed the procedure.

Hindi became a major language in India.
In 1949, India's Constituent Assembly officially adopted Hindi as a language. Many still celebrate today as Hindi Day! Believe it or not, Hindi is just one of 23 different official languages spoken across India, with Punjabi, English, Urdu, and Gujarati included.

IBM introduced an incredible computer.
In 1956, IBM introduced the RAMAC 305 to the world! It was the first ever commercial computer with a hard drive that used magnetic disk storage. It also weighed over a ton – it’s hard to believe our computers are now small enough to fit in our bags and pockets!

Special Days Falling on September 14th
From celebrations to commemorations, September 14th brings a great deal to a lot of people all over the world! Here are some of the biggest events to consider across the globe today!
National Sober Day
Every September 14th, people in the US honor National Sober Day. The goal of the day is to go without alcohol; whether you are continuing your journey in sobriety, starting your own journey, or simply would like to take the day away from spirits and beer, it’s something we can all get involved in. Why not support non-drinkers, too?

National Food is Medicine Day
September 14th is also National Food is Medicine Day in the United States. The goal of the day is to encourage more people to eat healthily but also to bring light to the fact that multiple low-income areas and families cannot even access quality foods. We need to encourage our governments, federal and national, to strive for healthier foods and access to the food for everyone. Good food is about more than just the taste; it's about nutrition, too.

National Live Creative Day
Creativity is something we should always take time to flex! However, individual creativity often goes undervalued and underappreciated. So, take the time to get creative today – whether it's writing a poem, sketching a drawing, or singing a song or two. Who knows what you might come up with!
This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit