On this day

Fritz Hofmann’s patent bounced into public view.
In 1909, the world’s very first patent for synthetic rubber was granted to German chemist Fritz Hofmann. He’d later receive the Emil Fischer Medal, a high honor from the German Chemical Society, for his work and research.

Leó Szilárd came up with a world-changing nuclear idea.
In 1933, Leó Szilárd got the idea for a nuclear chain reaction while waiting at a red light on Southampton Row, in Bloomsbury – he’d later go on to apply for the patent for the nuclear reactor with Enrico Fermi, and even worked with Albert Einstein.

Arkansas faced racial integration.
In 1958, the US Supreme Court ordered what was once the all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, to integrate. However, Governor Orval Faubus mobilized the National Guard in Arkansas to prevent the nine African American students about to join the school from integrating.

The USSR sent the first spacecraft to impact the Moon!
In 1959, the USSR launched the Luna 2! It was the first spacecraft ever to impact the Moon. Just ten years later, the US would be sending people there – an unbelievable feat in such a short time!
Special Days Falling on September 12th
September 12th is more than just your average date on the calendar. In fact, for many people all over the world, it’s a day for celebration and togetherness. Let’s take a look at why.
United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation
Every September 12th, multiple countries around the world celebrate United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation. The day honors peace and cooperation between countries in the developing south and reminds us all to do what we can to help impoverished countries that need our solidarity.

National Police Woman’s Day
September 12th is also a day to honor policewomen and the incredible work they do in forces around the world. Yet, every day they still face sexism and misogynist threats from force to force. So, today we honor those women, their strength, their work, and all they do to keep us all safe.

Video Games Day
Video games are more than just kids’ stuff these days – and September 12th marks a date on which fellow gamers can come together and enjoy a few button-bashing laughs. Whether you’ve never quite beaten the original Mario games, or you’re still yet to finish Tears of The Kingdom, now’s a great time to set an hour or so aside to get gaming.
This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit