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On This Day - October 21st

Are you ready to creep further into fall? We’re deep into October now, and for anyone with birthdays yet to come this month, we’re heading closer to Scorpio season. October 21st is one of the last Libra days of the year for the Western Zodiac, and today’s also a great day to learn more about some of the fascinating historical events that have unfolded all around us. Let’s dive in.

On this day

Battle of Trafalgar

The Battle of Trafalgar took place.

In 1805, the Battle of Trafalgar took place in which British Admiral Horatio Nelson was shot and killed. However, before dying, he helped defeat the combined French and Spanish fleet.

Crimean War

Florence Nightingale went to the Crimean War.

In 1854, Florence Nightingale and her staff of around 38 nurses were sent to the Crimean War. She continued nursing and became a symbol of humanity and kindness.

Guggenheim Museum

The Guggenheim opened.

In 1959, the Guggenheim Museum opened in New York. The museum, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, remains one of the most famous galleries and public exhibit spaces in the world to this day. Take a look if you're in the area, you won't forget it!

Tragedy of Aberfan

The Tragedy of Aberfan took place.

In 1966, the Tragedy of Aberfan took place in South Wales. 116 children and 28 adults were thought to have been killed as a coal waste heap fled and covered a school in Aberfan. It's regarded as one of the most tragic natural events to have occurred in Wales.

Vietnam War Pentagon March

Protesters marched on the Pentagon

In 1967, tens of thousands of people marched on the Pentagon, besieging the military headquarters for two days. They did so in protest against the Vietnam War, which would rage on until 1975.

Special Days Falling on October 21st

For certain countries and cultures around the world, October 21st is a day to be honored and cherished. Here are some of the reasons October 21st is so special to so many.
Flag of Honduras

Armed Forces Day in Honduras

Every October 21st, the people of Honduras gather to celebrate and honor their armed forces. The nation’s military forces were originally established in 1825 and have since played a key role in the politics of the country. And even though the political roles of the armed forces in Honduras have changed over time, they still remain very important to the people and the nation.

Celebration of the Mind

The human mind is a fascinating thing. We’re so capable of so many things, and it is our minds that have created some of the most interesting, useful, chaotic, and world-changing inventions ever known! October 21st is the birthday of mathematician Martin Gardner. The day was dedicated to the mind by the Gathering 3 Gardner Foundation to honor his work and to encourage people to try new things and test their minds today! So, break out the puzzles and games!

interesting facts about Burundi

President Ndadaye’s Day

In Burundi, October 21st is President Ndadaye’s Day! President Melchior Ndadaye was the first president to be elected in a completely democratic process in Burundi. He was a member of the Hutu people and became a symbol of true democracy, unity, and strength. However, tragically, he was assassinated on this day in 1993. So, every year since then, the people of Burundi have marked the occasion in his honor and his memory.

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit

This month in history

The US learned of the existence of Russian missiles in Cuba. In 1962, President John F. Kennedy told the American people via television announcement that Russian missiles were indeed stationed in Central America – and the President then demanded their removal and announced a naval quarantine of Cuba.

Famous Birthdays on October 21st

Domenico Zampieri, Italian painter, born 1581

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, English poet, born 1772

Alfred Nobel, Swedish chemist and inventor, born 1833

Judge Judith Sheindlin, American judge and TV personality, born 1942

Carrie Fisher, American actor, born 1956

Libra Zodiac Sign Facts

If you were born on October 21st…


…you’re a Libra! You’re loyal, kind, and very fair. Fairness is everything to you – and you’re a major believer in balance (which makes you great in a crisis, let’s face it).


So, treat us fairly and head over to our Libra facts page to learn more!

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