On This Day - November 1st
Yes – believe it or not, we’re at the very start of November. Where has the year gone, seriously? November 1st brings with it some post-Halloween chills and longer nights for those of us in the upper hemisphere, and as always, there are a few facts and figures you’ll want to know if you’re celebrating today. Here’s everything you need to know about November 1st.
On this day

Europe was redrawn.
In 1814, the Congress of Vienna agreed to redraw the European political map. This was following France’s defeat in the Napoleonic Wars. Yes – believe it or not, the Europe as you see it today wasn’t always that way!

Roux created a vaccine against diphtheria.
Also in 1894, Dr. Émile Roux, based in Paris, France, announced his release of a vaccine against the then-deadly disease diphtheria. The disease has since become increasingly rare, with it killing roughly one person per year in the US.

Special Days Falling on November 1st
November 1st brings some famous special holidays and others that are a little less well-known by the masses – but are nevertheless still extremely important to many. Here are some of the biggest celebrations falling on November 1st.
All Saints Day
Every November 1st is All Saints Day in Spain. It is also popularly known as Todos Los Santos, the Feast of All Saints, All Hallow's Day, the Feast of All Hallows, Hallows, and the Sacredness of All Saints! It is a Christian celebration held around the world to honor all of the known and unknown saints of the church.

Anniversary of the Revolution
In Algeria, November 1st is the Anniversary of the Revolution. The day is also known as the Red All Saints Day, in reference to the Christian Day for saints mentioned above. The day marks the beginning of the War of Independence against France and is honored every year to remember those who lost their lives and loved ones during the war.

Antigua Independence Day
November 1st is also Independence Day in Antigua! The day marks when the nation gained its independence from Britain in 1981. Antigua and Barbuda remains a Commonwealth country that can be found where the Atlantic and Caribbean meet. It is a stunning nation that continues to welcome tourists from all over every year!
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