national wine day. February 18th

On this day

George Washington

George Washington had some important business to deal with.

On this very date back in 1787, George Washington presided at the Constitutional convention. The event opened in Philadelphia, and was the first of a series of weekly events to discuss a variety of governmental concerns.

Doppler effect

Debut of the Doppler!

Ever heard of the Doppler effect? It’s when sound waves change in relation to motion. For example, you’ve probably noticed that police sirens drop their pitch the closer they get to you! In 1842, Christian Doppler presented his world-changing idea to the Royal Bohemian Society in Prague.

Oscar Wilde caricature

Oscar Wilde had a very bad day.

On this date back in 1895, Oscar Wilde was sentenced to two years imprisonment. He was imprisoned for “gross indecency,” largely relating to an alleged homosexual affair. This came on the back of Wilde having accused an aristocrat of libel, only for the legal attention to backfire.

Babe Ruth

Babe Ruth had a pretty rough day, too!

In 1922, Babe Ruth took the opportunity to throw dirt on an umpire he clearly disagreed with. The incident cost him $200 and a day’s suspension. Times really do change, huh?

Ford Model T

Henry Ford made a big decision.

After a barnstorming production and thousands upon thousands of happy customers treated to wonderful sets of wheels the world over, Henry Ford decided on this day back in 1927 that his company would no longer produce his famous Model T Ford. The end of an era, but arguably still one of the manufacturer’s most famous creations.

Special Days Falling on May 25th

May 25th is a very special day for multiple reasons - if you’re thinking of geeking out, reducing your plastic, and/or enjoying a glass of wine, now’s the time to do all three!
Plastic Free

International Plastic Free Day

We live in a world where plastic has taken over - tons of this slow-degradable material are choking our oceans and killing off wildlife. And, however difficult it may seem, we can all go plastic-free to help - and we can definitely all do it for at least a day. Who knows - starting with one day could provide a fantastic springboard for you to reduce plastic long term!


Geek Pride Day

What is a geek? Once used as a derogatory term to describe people deeply into popular culture, games, and non-athletic pursuits, geekery has really taken over the planet. Whether you love watching cheesy sci-fi movies or enjoy spending weekends trying to create the perfect mansion on Minecraft, today’s the day for you to really geek out.

fun fact about wine

National Wine Day

Wine truly is the drink of the Gods. Well, it’s one of them! And, it is highly popular on its own, paired with the right foods, or shared with loved ones. Provided you enjoy this tart treat sensibly, May 25th is the perfect day to crack open a bottle and pour you and your loved ones a few glasses if you get the chance.

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit

This month in history

We got a lot closer to quality indoor plumbing! Back in 1792, the first flush toilet was patented. And, we can thank that genius invention for us now being able to do our business in the privacy, luxury, and cleanliness of our own homes! The invention was obviously a huge success and has since been adopted worldwide.

Famous Birthdays on May 25th

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American philosopher, born 1803

Bill Robinson, American actor, and tap dancer, born 1878

Igor Sikorsky, Russian-American pioneer of aviation, born 1889

Sir Ian McKellen, English actor, born 1939

Octavia Spencer, American actress and producer, born 1970

Facts about Gemini

If you were born on May 25th…

…you’re a Gemini! You can be a bit indecisive… We think… We’re not sure… But, you can also be very creative and fun!

Learn more about the Gemini star sign on our Gemini facts page!

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