On This Day - May 21st
May 21st is a wonderful day full of fun facts, historical events, and it’s even a great time to tuck into strawberries and cream. It’s also a big birthday for plenty of Geminis around the globe - so let’s dive into what makes May 21st so memorable.
On this day

FIFA was formed!
All soccer fans should know that May 21st is a very important date! Back in 1904, it’s when the Federation Internationale de Football Association, or FIFA as most people know it, was formed in Paris! Since then, the organization has been at the helm of world cups and European championships galore.

America was introduced to the horror movie genre!
On this date back in 1908, the silent film Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde premiered in Chicago. It was the very first American horror movie, and starred Hobart Bosworth with Betty Harte. The director? Otis Turner, who directed 129 other movies during his career.

The Empire Strikes Back!
Back in 1980, Star Wars fans everywhere were delighted when “Star Wars Episode V -The Empire Strikes Back” was released in the US! The sequel quickly became a hit and remains one of the best-loved Star Wars films of all time. In fact, if you ask most Sky Wars fans, it’s probably the best-loved of the Skywalker saga… but don’t ask many more questions unless you’re happy to get into a debate!

The circus comes to an end.
Decades after its debut, a sign of the times finally forced the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus to close its tent to the public on May 21st, 2017. Ultimately, it wasn't just a result of changing entertainment tastes, but also due to growing distaste for using animals in circus acts.
Special Days Falling on May 21st
May 21st is an important day for marking diversity and enjoying a few sweet treats! Here’s why…
World Day for Cultural Diversity
In a world that relies on globalization, it should come as no surprise that there’s a day that asks cultural diversity to be respected and celebrated! This highly important occasion is marked to help people bridge gaps within cultures and to learn more about common ground. So, take the time to read up today on a different culture and the various cultural influences that are important to you!

National Waitstaff Day
Where would we be without waitstaff? Dining out is a lot of fun, but it’s the tireless waiting crews who really help to make things memorable and comfortable. What’s more, plenty of waiting crews go through a lot of stress and may even earn the ire of some less friendly members of the public. In which case, take today to thank anyone waiting on you.

National Strawberries and Cream Day
There’s only one thing that could make strawberries even better, and that’s a helping or two of cream. So, today, spoil yourself with some delicious strawberries and cream with breakfast, lunch, and, why not dinner, too? You could always share them with your loved ones, too, but let’s face it, there’s probably not going to be many left!
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