🗓️ On This Day - May 18th
May 18th is a very important date! Why? It’s all about Presidential nominations, eruptions, museums, and even washing the dishes… if you’re celebrating today, here’s what else you’re sharing the day with!
On this day

Abraham Lincoln was nominated for US President.
Back in 1860, today marks the date that the US Republican Party nominated Abraham Lincoln for the US presidency. As we all know, Lincoln went on to become one of the most influential and important state leaders of his age - abolishing slavery, for example, was a cornerstone of his legacy.

We got a better idea about an important landmark’s age!
One of the most curious landmarks on the planet is Stonehenge. And, back in 1952, on this very date, Professor WF Libby finally stated that he believed the landmark dates back to 1848 BC! We’ve learnt a little bit more about these odd stones over the years, but this dating was a huge step forward.

Mount St. Helens erupted.
In 1980, Mount St. Helens erupted in Washington State. It caused the largest landslide ever on US soil, killed 57 people, and cost over $1 billion in damages. It managed to break 5.1 on the Richter Scale - a truly devastating event.

Get outta my swamp!
Yes - if you’re celebrating a birthday today, you share it with the US release of Shrek! Dreamworks’ landmark movie arguably revolutionized animated film for the better, and even went on to claim the Oscar for Best Animated Feature the year after its release in 2001.

Facebook went public.
We all know the story of Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook by now, but did you know that it was May 18th, 2012, when the company first went public on the stock market? Facebook’s IPO managed to bring in $16 billion. The age of social media was well underway!
Special Days Falling on May 18th
May 18th is a day for celebrating all kinds of things - big and small. Head to a museum and see your folks - but make sure your dishes are done first!
International Museum Day
International Museum Day is a great opportunity to spend time learning about history, art, culture, and society. These incredible institutions exist to preserve our past and to inspire people of the future - so why not take today to go explore a few museums of your own today?

National No Dirty Dishes Day
There is nothing worse than getting up to or coming home to dirty dishes. No one enjoys doing them, and while they can be an absolute pain when we need them cleaned, they don't just do them themselves! So, today, let yourself off the hook, avoid the dirty dishes, and just eat out and support your local businesses!

National Visit Your Relatives Day
We should all take more time to visit our relatives, but in this busy world, making time isn’t always easy. However, you never truly know how long you have left with the people around you - and today’s a great day to pop in on a family member or two you’ve not seen for a while. Prioritizing family time makes all the difference in the world, and it will for your loved ones, too!
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