🗓️ On This Day - March 30th
We’re heading towards the end of March now, which of course means the dreaded (yet slightly fun) April Fool’s Day is on the rise… but for now, March 30th really deserves its own time in the limelight. If you were born today, you share a birthday with a popular US game show and an important peace treaty! Let’s find out more about March 30th back in history.
On this day

What’s a pencil without an eraser?
Well, believe it or not, the patent for pencils with erasers was only filed and received as of March 30th, 1858! We have Hyman L Lipman, an American inventor, to thank for this handy mistake correction tool.

The Treaty of Paris brought an end to war.
The Crimean War was a devastating conflict that was thankfully brought to an end by March 30th, 1865 - as the Treaty of Paris was signed to declare peace. Essentially, Russia conceded to the UK, France, Sardinia and the Ottoman Empire.

Jeopardy! first aired.
Most US citizens of a certain age will know of the classic game show “Jeopardy!” - originally hosted by the late Alex Trebeck, the show challenges contestants to name the question to the answer. It was first aired on March 30th, 1964, and it’s been airing ever since.

Ronald Reagan survived an assassination!
Then-US President Ronald Reagan was shot by a lone assailant in Washington DC on March 30th, 1981. Reagan survived the attempt on his life, with the gunman claiming that he was just looking to become famous. It’s an incident that holds similar echoes of John Lennon’s murder in the same year.

No more NYCigarettes!
New York City effectively stubbed out all smoking in working areas as of 2003, following Ireland’s full-country ban. The law was brought into effect on March 30th of that year, which also impacted bars and restaurants across the city.
Special Days Falling on March 30th
March 30th is a day of celebration for many reasons. Here are just a few of them that you may or may not be aware of!
National Doctors Day
We really do have doctors to thank for a lot - without them, we wouldn’t be able to live our lives to the fullest! Today’s a great day to think carefully about how we respect our doctors - and to give thanks for all the hard work they do, especially during impossible scenarios such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

National Take a Walk in the Park Day
Does this occasion really need a description? It’s a great day to go wandering in your local green spaces - go stretch your legs with the family, walk the dog, or maybe even enjoy a run. Above all, today’s a great day to start appreciating local natural beauty and all it has to offer.

National Pencil Day
No, really! We owe a lot to our pencils. As writers, artists, musicians and more, pencils have helped us get our ideas down pat for decades. While many of us move onto digital means, nothing beats a trusty HB or otherwise for a little scribbling. Why not treat yourself to a new set of pencils to mark the occasion?
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