On This Day - March 22nd
March 22nd takes us right into spring in the northern hemisphere, and as it turns out, there’s plenty to mark today for. From ice hockey to pivotal moments in modern politics, here are a few good reasons why we should all remember March 22nd from here on out.
On this day

Now that’s a mall!
The Northland Center broke all kinds of size records when it was first set up on March 22nd, 1954. The Michigan-based mall was in fact the largest shopping center of its kind - worldwide - when it first opened!

The Fab Four released their first record.
March 22nd marked the Beatles’ debut on the international album charts in 1963 with their legendary release “Please Please Me.” They wouldn’t be together for long, but the quartet more than made their mark on pop music history!

Mueller handed in his report.
On March 22nd 2019, the US held its collective breaths as Robert Mueller, acting as Special Counsel, delivered his verdict on Russia allegedly interfering with the 2016 Presidential Election, leading to the election of Donald Trump. The report came back with no conclusions regarding Trump's alleged corruption, but in Mueller's own words, it wouldn't exonerate him, either.
Special Days Falling on March 22nd
March 22nd may be your birthday, an anniversary, or otherwise - but if not, here are some additional occasions you may wish to mark today if you’re feeling left out!
World Water Day
Proposed at a United Nations Conference in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, World Water Day considers the global situation in regard to accessing clean healthy water. Currently, over 783 million people across the globe are unable to access clean water. To mark the occasion, try and save as much as you can - do you turn the faucet off while brushing your teeth, for example?

As Young As You Feel Day
This is a great day to focus on acting as old as you feel and to remember that none of us are here forever! Founded by Ruth and Thomas Roy, March 22nd reminds people to make the most of their lives and not let age hold them back!

National Goof Off Day
Psst… don’t tell the boss, but today is a great day to goof off! Rather than be irresponsible, however, today is a good day to remember that there’s always going to be an opportunity to take some time off to relax. You don’t have to work so hard all of the time! Take a breather or two and you’ll feel all the better for it.
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