interesting facts about the panda

🗓️ On This Day - March 16th

A ground-breaking newspaper, shoes making the news and the Geneva Convention are just three of a variety of things we look back on today! Keep reading to find out why March 16th has been so important throughout history - and happy birthday, too, if you’re celebrating!

On this day

Freedom's Journal

Freedom's Journal was published.

On March 16th 1827, the first-ever African American newspaper launched in the United States - "Freedom's Journal” - was published. The paper, founded by Samuel Cornish and John B. Russwurm, was dedicated to advocating for the abolition of slavery and promoting the rights and interests of African Americans. The newspaper's motto was "We wish to plead our own cause."

women's boxing

Women’s fight - to fight!

In 1876, Nelly Saunders and Rose Harland fought in America's first public women's boxing match. The match took place over in New York City - but despite the popularity of the event, many people, including some women's groups, spoke out against women's participation in boxing and other "masculine" sports.

Geneva Conventions

The Geneva Convention took place.

On March 16th 1882, the United States Senate ratified (effectively bringing in) the Geneva Convention of 1864, which legitimized both the work of the International Red Cross and that of the American Red Cross. This convention established the rights of prisoners of war and recognized the need for neutrality and protection of medical personnel and facilities during armed conflicts.

Vans shoes

Get your Vans on!

In 1966, the popular skateboarding clothing brand Vans opened its first retail store in Anaheim, California. The store, located at 704 East Broadway, sold Vans' iconic rubber-soled shoes that quickly became popular with skateboarders and surfers - and is still widely popular today!

facts about Martin Luther King

Clooney and Luther King faced arrest.

On March 16th 2012, American actor George Clooney and civil rights activist Martin Luther King III were arrested during protests outside the Sudanese embassy in Washington, DC. The protest aimed to draw attention to the humanitarian crisis in Sudan, particularly the alleged crimes against humanity committed by the Sudanese government. Clooney, who had recently visited the area, told the press that he was expecting an arrest for his involvement in the protest.

Special Days Falling on March 16th

Some of our favorite holidays fall on March 16th! The only question; which one should we celebrate first?
Panda Facts

National Panda Day 

National Panda Day launches every March 16th to raise awareness about one of the world's most endangered and beloved animals. Giant pandas, native to China, are members of the Bear family and have a rapidly shrinking habitat. No one really knows the origin of this holiday, but we're happy for any excuse to celebrate these huggable creatures!

artichoke heart

National Artichoke Hearts Day

National Artichoke Hearts Day on March 16th is a nod to this healthy and delicious food . High in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and protein, the fleshy base of the artichoke is a versatile and nutrient-packed addition to many dishes. Artichokes are thought to promote liver health and healthy skin - get your fill today!

thumbs up

National Everything You Do Is Right Day

National Everything You Do Is Right Day encourages you to feel good about everything you do. This day counteracts the previous day's holiday, National Everything You Think is Wrong Day. It doesn't matter what you do today, you'll be doing it right! 

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit

This month in history

In March 1863, US President Abraham Lincoln approved the charter for the National Academy of Sciences. The academy is a non-profit institution that provides scientific advice to the US government, as well as promoting science education and conducting research in various scientific fields.

Famous Birthdays on March 16th

James Madison, 4th American president, born 1751

Georg Ohm, German physicist, born 1789

Jerry Lewis, American comedian, born 1926

Flavor Flav, American musician, born 1959

Alan Tudyk, American actor, born 1971

fun facts about Pisces

If you were born on March 16th…

You are the fishiest sign of the Zodiac, Pisces. Pisces people are known for their compassion, artistic abilities, and deep emotions. They have a deep appreciation for the arts and can create it almost effortlessly! They can also take on others’ emotions, often causing them to carry emotional wounds.


They make great healers and friends who intuitively understand and provide comfort. You’re one of the most interesting Zodiac signs there is, and we have all of the information to prove it on our Pisces facts page!

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