Movie projectionists have today to thank.

🗓️ On This Day - March 14th

Math geeks rejoice! Math is pretty much the center of everything today as it is in fact International Math Day. But don’t worry, if Math isn’t your forte, we’ve found all the best non-math facts about March 14th - and happy birthday if you’re already celebrating.

On this day

Voting in Boston

Remember to vote!

On March 14th 1743, Boston made history by becoming the first American city to gather citizens to discuss and vote on local issues in their very own democratic town meeting. Soon other cities started to follow suit, and US democracy has continued to evolve to this day.

National Oreo Cookie Day

A cookie by any other name!

March 14th 1912 was the date the popular American cookie brand "Oreo" officially trademarked its name. The Iconic cookie, which consists of two chocolate cookies with a sweet cream filling, has become an instantly recognizable snack food in the United States and around the world. Get dunking!

Movie projectionists have today to thank.

Movie projectionists have today to thank.

In 1931, the first theater to project movies from the back of the room was opened in New York City. This innovative approach to movie projection allowed for larger screens and more immersive viewing experiences - you’ve probably experienced it yourself! Rear projection is still used today.


Penicillin proved its worth!

On this day in 1942, Anne Miller became the first American patient to receive treatment with penicillin, an antibiotic that revolutionized modern medicine. Miller, a 33-year-old woman with a life-threatening infection, was treated with the newly discovered drug and made a full recovery. Penicillin went on to save countless different lives during World War II and beyond! To think it was discovered by accident, too!

Facts about JFK assassination

JFK was honored in private.

After being temporarily buried at Arlington National Cemetery in 1963 following his shock assassination, the body of US President John F Kennedy was moved to his final resting place just a few feet away in Virginia on this day 1967. A private ceremony was held for JFK's widow, brothers, and then-US President Lyndon Johnson, in a secret reburial.

Pi Math calculation

Now that’s pi!

On March 14th 2019, Emma Haruka Iwao, a Google employee, established a whole new record by calculating pi’s value to 31.4 trillion digits - with a little help from Google’s celebrated Cloud technology. This was a significant breakthrough as it broke the previous world record of 22.4 trillion digits!

Special Days Falling on March 14th

Not got much to celebrate today? Great news if you love your number-crunching - it really is a great day for math fanatics. Here’s why.
Pi Day

Pi Day

Pi Day is an annual celebration held on March 14th, commemorating the mathematical constant, pi, and its importance in science and technology. The day is recognized globally through various activities such as reciting pi, baking and eating pies! It’s celebrated on March 14th because the first three digits of pi are 3.14… so, 3/14 is the perfect fit!

Potato Chip Day

Potato Chip Day

Beyond math, March 14th marks National Potato Chip Day, a celebration of America's most popular snack. On this day, millions of people indulge in their favorite potato-based treat - there are quite literally thousands of flavors of potato chips available worldwide, but how many can you name?

International Mathematics Day

International Mathematics Day

Beyond Pi day, every March 14th, people worldwide celebrate the importance of mathematics and its everyday applications. The United Nations proclaimed March 14th as the International Day of Mathematics in 2019, with the inaugural event held in 2020. Grab your calculator!

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit

This month in history

We started buying Girl Scout cookies for the first time! March is a very important month for Girl Scouts across the US, as their organization was first set up back in March 1912. The occasion is marked by their own special day, too. Did you know that Girl Scouts serve up to 140 different countries?

Famous Birthdays on March 14th

Albert Einstein, German scientist, born 1879

Michael Caine, English actor, born 1933

Quincy Jones Jr, American musician, born 1933

Danny Meyer, American restaurateur, born 1958

Simone Biles, American gymnast and Olympic athlete, born 1997

fun facts about Pisces

If you were born on  March 14th…

As a Pisces, your dominant personality traits are likely sensitivity, empathy, and a robust ethical compass, all of which heavily influence your decisions! You’re compassionate and creative. Get to know everything about the fishiest sign by clicking here.

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