🗓️ On This Day - July 16th
July 16th has proven to be an incredible date throughout history! It’s a day on which we remember international freedoms, spiritual firsts, and operatic debuts. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most important and memorable moments unfolding on July 16th.
On this day

A pivotal moment in Islamic history.
In 622, the Islamic prophet Muhammad completed his migration from Mecca to Medina. This marked the beginning of the Islamic calendar, which Muslims still observe to this day.

Mozart launched a landmark opera.
Legendary composer and prodigy Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart famously debuted his enduring opera – "Die Entführung aus dem Serail" – on this date back in 1782, in Vienna, Austria. Mozart didn’t just compose the piece – he attended as conductor, too!

La Paz became independent.
July 16th, 1809 marks the date that La Paz, Bolivia, first declared its independence, breaking free from Spanish rule. This landmark moment would lead to the formation of the Junta Tuitiva, paving the way for other independent governments within Spanish America.

Parking became a bit more difficult!
In 1935, the world's first-ever parking meter was installed in Oklahoma City, US. Although this was an important moment in history, a few people wished it hadn’t happened! Better make sure you’re in a good spot and have enough change to hand in case the meter checker comes around…

Special Days Falling on July 16th
July 16th is just as much about the celebrations as it is about the historical events! With that in mind, here are some of the best reasons to celebrate on July 16th!
World Snake Day
Snakes get a bad reputation. While they’re perhaps not everyone’s favorite critter (some of us are actually pretty scared of them), they’re innocent creatures all the same! National Snake Day allows us to learn more about why snakes are worth more than a shriek and a shudder. Why not look up some slithery snake facts today, or go spy on a few at your local zoo?

Guru Purnima
July 16th marks the highly important day of gratitude, Guru Purnima, celebrated by observant Buddhists and Hindus living and worshipping across India and Nepal. The day may often involve visits to temples, scripture readings, symbolic offerings, and most importantly, offering gratitude to those who teach us – the main reason behind the occasion. Whether you are Buddhist, Hindu, or have other beliefs, today is a great day to recognize those who help us to achieve our best.

La Paz Day
July 16th every year marks the anniversary of La Paz, Bolivia’s independence from Spanish crown rule. This occasion is known as “Día del departamento de La Paz,” and it’s something of a festival to mark the revolution that occurred here some 200+ years ago. However, it’s celebrated entirely separately from Bolivia’s own independence day, which actually takes place on August 6th – so remember to mark that one in your calendar, too!
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