
🗓️ On This Day - January 29th

It likely doesn’t seem long since the year started, but we’re heading straight into February shortly with very little warning! It’s January 29th, which while it may not seem like a special day in itself (unless it’s your birthday or it holds a place in your heart), still holds plenty of historical moments worth remembering. Let’s check out January 29th in full detail.

On this day

Romeo and Juliet

Wherefore art thou?

It’s thought that on January 29th 1595, William Shakespeare’s legendary tragic play, Romeo and Juliet, was performed for the very first time, in London UK. The rest, of course, is history - but even now, this tragic tale of star-crossed lovers remains one of the best-known and best-loved plays of all time.

commonwealth of nations flag

A fitting reward!

On January 29th 1856, the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries established the award of the Victoria Cross to honor valor. It’s the highest-possible award you can get in the British system - and there are many popular collections of these medals available for people to visit and admire across the UK.

The famous three pointed Mercedes Benz star

Vroom vroom!

This month in history was a game changer for the automobile industry - especially in 1886! Karl Benz confirmed he had patented the Benz Motorwagen in Germany on January 29th. His invention was the first burning motor for powering an automobile!

Facts about German Shepherd Dogs

Letting our furry friends lead the way.

Offering huge support to those needing assistance, the organization known as “Seeing Eye Guide Dogs” was formed in the US in 1929. January 29th is regarded as the anniversary of the organization, which continues to help poor-sighted and blind people across the country.

facts about Florida

Don’t sleep on this one!

January 29th marks the anniversary of Disney releasing its celebrated animated classic, Sleeping Beauty. The movie took to theaters in 1959, with Princess Aurora's story having been re-released multiple times since. It's also been reworked into two live-action movies, with Angelina Jolie starring as the villain protagonist, Maleficent.

Facts about Apollo 11

A quick tour of the planet!

On January 29th 1964, the world changed forever when Earth was orbited for the first time by the unmanned Apollo Saturn 1, launched from the US. The sky was no longer considered the limit! It’d only be another five years until we landed on the Moon, too.

Special Days Falling on January 29th

Whether January 29th’s already special to you or not, here are some interesting occasions you can celebrate all the same!

National Carnation Day

National Carnation Day is an annual event established to initially honor the birthday of the 25th President of the US, William McKinley. He always had a vase of Carnations in his office and wore one in his lapel. Carnations, too, are the unofficial flowers of January!

Electricity Facts

Freethinkers Day

Freethinkers Day is celebrated on the birthday of English-born philosopher During the 1990s, The Thomas Paine Foundation began to celebrate Thomas Paine Day in June - Freethinkers Day which has leapt from there, is considered a day to challenge behavior and authority by constructing valid arguments!


National Puzzle Day

Who doesn’t love a puzzle or two? The very first jigsaw puzzles reportedly emerged all the way back in the 1700s - and we’ve been enjoying crossword puzzles in newspapers since the turn of the 1900s. Today’s a great day to give your brain a bit of a workout!

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit

This month in history

January’s proven to be a very important month for Britain and nationalization. Specifically, it was in January 1947 that both the British railways and coal mines were nationalized for the first time. This has since changed - but it made a huge deal to society and the economy for many years to come.

Famous Birthdays on January 29th

Anton Chekov, Russian author, born 1860

Tom Selleck, American actor, born 1945

Oprah Winfrey, American broadcaster, born 1954

Adam Lambert, American musician, born 1982

Rag ‘n’ Bone Man, English musician, born 1985

facts about Aquarius

If you were born on January 29th…

You’re an Aquarius! That means you’re both an air sign and you’re represented by the water carrier. Confusing?


Aquarians are often far from confused – they’re highly determined people who aren’t afraid to stand out from the pack. They are also said to be deeply thoughtful and empathetic, and make great friends as well as leaders.


Want to know more about what makes them tick? Take a look over at our Aquarius fact file!

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